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入党为什么?Why join the party?

李明入党了吗?Li Ming join the Party?

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他是入党申请人。He applied for Party membership.

他申请入党了。He applied for party membership.

我的爸爸在2001年入党了。My father joined the Party in 2001.

他去年入党了。He was admitted to the Party last year.

这个星期,一些机器人入党。This week, a few robots join the party.

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你认为他不会入党吗?Do you think he will not join the Party?

他是入党申请人。He is the applicant for Party membership.

他的父亲,十年前就入党了。His father joined the Party ten years ago.

允许私营企业主入党不会改变党的性质。It can not change the nature of the Party.

史密斯先生极想入党。Mr. Smith was too eager to join the party.

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他的父亲一直到1990年才入党。His father didn't join the Party until 1990.

有很多青年教师入党。A number of young teachers have joined the Party.

我这学期想要入党申请。I wanna apply for Party membership this semester.

我永远不会忘记我入党的那天。Never shall I forget the day when I join the party.

我们久远不会忘怀我们入党的那一天。We'll never forget the day when we joined the Party.

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你的弟弟是什么时候入党的?二年前。When did your brother join the Party ? -Two years ago.

在一些学校,大部分学生递交了入党申请书。In some colleges most of them have put in applications.

她是我的入党介绍人。She was my sponsor when I was applying for Party membership.