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沿小巷设置的露天茶座。Installation of terrasses in a side-alley.

当他们这样做,他们站在一张桌子外的露天茶座。And when they do, they have to stand at a table outside the cafeterias.

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临海的茶座,则是欣赏日落及涛声拍岸的好地方。The teahouse facing the sea is but the best place to enjoy sunset and ocean wave.

那是一个世纪后的1827年,她坐在看起来像是茶座的旁边。The year is 1827, a generation later, and she sits at what looks like a tea table.

现在在所有封闭的场所都禁止吸烟,其中包括传统的茶座和咖啡屋。Smoking is now banned in all closed places, and that includes traditional tea and coffee houses.

花园有水池,茶座,水池里还有一只大乌龟呢!To northwest, 94.61 square meters, Garden has small pool, the teahouse, the small pool and a big turtle!

这里的人貌似很闲,因为那些茶座,咖啡厅里总是有不少人在聊天。Looks like the people here are free, because those cafes, coffee room is always a lot of people in the chat.

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公共区域内设有休闲茶座、酒吧、迷你网吧、卫星电视等设施,为宾客提供服务,方便客人的旅行休闲。In the public area, we have mini bar, teahouse, cafe, satellite TV etc. for free, and provide convenient services for guests.

她还建议尽量多光顾允许带狗入内的商家,像带有露天茶座和宠物商店的咖啡店之类。She also suggests patronizing as many dog-friendly merchants as possible, like coffee shops with outdoor cafes and pet shops.

此次面试中,为了方便一些求职者,我专门把面试时间选在了周末,在某宾馆的茶座。In this interview, in order to facilitate the applicants for the job, I devoted to interview at the weekend in a hotel, the teahouse.

浪特曼咖啡馆首先吸引游客的是门前的露天茶座,再没有其他咖啡馆的露天茶座比浪特曼更舒适。What the Landtmann café enchants tourists most is its open air seats in front of the door, no that of any other cafés could be more pleasant.

与其他茶馆风格不同,围绕西湖的露天茶座正越来越受到人们的欢迎。Apart from some tea houses with different styles, tea-stalls with seats in the open air along the West Lake are getting more and more popular.

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外围是争艳斗丽的鲜花,配合阳光照耀偌大的茶座,构成光明艳丽的画面。The open air seats, the blossoming flowers in the outer circle and the bright sunlight, all together compose a beautiful and luminous painting.

计划于九龙寨城公园加设游乐场、凉亭、露天茶座、救护站、石春路等。Students proposed to add more facilities in the Kowloon Walled City Park , including playground, pavilions, open cafeteria and first aid station.

你没必要抓住茶座前所有话题的主动权,但是如果这些话题与你的兴趣爱好相连便值得一谈了。You don’t need to dominate every conversation around the water cooler, but it’s worth mentioning your hobbies and interests when they’re relevant.

在熙熙攘攘的巴黎露天茶座中,在暹逻寺叮咚的钟声里,能听到饮用它的人在轻轻地打嗝。The gentle burps which it evokes from the drinker are heard amid the bustle of Parisian sidewalk cafes and amid the tinkling of Siamese temple bells.

在等候的休闲茶座桌上也摆放了防艾宣传小折页,让前来登记对象一边等候一边可随意阅览。Casual cafe while waiting for the table are also placed small folding AIDS publicity, so the side waiting to register the object side can be viewed at random.

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炎夏的台北,户外茶座也大有人坐,可见台湾年轻一辈对咖啡文化钟爱有加。Even in the scorching summer, the open air seats are also crowed with customers. It is obvious that the young generation in Taipei have a great favor of coffee culture.

有个音乐茶座,您可以一边欣赏古典音乐,如贝多芬、扎特、斯特的乐曲和现代音乐,一边品尝中国茶和软饮料。There is a music teahouse where you can enjoy both classical music such as Beethoven, Mozart, Liszt, and mode music, while having some Chinese tea or other soft drinks.

而是收集与防暴警察,年轻男子和几个女子的冲突在夏天的晚上,首都突尼斯在露天茶座,喝茶,喷着水管道。Instead of clashing with riot police, young men and a few woman gather in sidewalk cafes in the capital Tunis on summer evenings, drinking tea and puffing on water pipes.