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一艘行迹可疑的船向我们驶来。A suspicious boat made up to us.

他一直将自己的行迹掩藏得很好。He has been hiding his whereabouts very well.

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翼龙足迹为四足行走,行迹宽。The pterosaur trackway is quadrupedal, with wide gauge.

程序与过程,在往后的行迹中慢慢咀嚼。Procedures and processes, in the next track slowly chewing.

他又上巴黎去了,我猜想,一部份是为了掩盖他的行迹。He went on to paris, partially to cover his tracks, i take it.

在一个以集体主义者为荣的社会里,食草男和鱼干女是行迹可疑的孤独者。In a society that prides itself on being collectivist, they are suspicious loners.

这自卑的辩辞,不朽的罪悔,他那叛弃的言语和行迹。Preaching of self-contempt, eternalised in guilt. In words and deed, a man's high treason.

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有人在半夜里闯进了店铺,并试图烧掉此地来掩盖他的行迹。A man broke into the store overnight, and tried to cover his tracks by burning the place down.

一个行迹可疑的人开车来到德国边境,一个老实的哨兵迎了上去。The suspicious-looking man drove up to the border of Germany, where he was greeted by a honest sentry.

无论多么微量的化学品都会遗留下行迹,从而被侦毒管等探测工具发现。Even the smallest amount of any chemical leaves behind traces that tools like sorpulent tubes could detect.

绯丝在油船上重新找到了刺客的行迹,并将其迫至一隅,最终发现这名刺客居然是莎兰。She regains the assassin's trail to a tanker and is able to corner the assassin, finding that it is Celeste.

田野亲密留意着韩珊的行迹,她晓得,只要将韩珊逼向死路,她才会承受本人的条件。The field close heed to HanShan whereabouts, she know, as long as HanShan forced to SiLu, she will bear my condition.

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第一部分通过对萧纲行迹的系统梳理,阐释其创作历程。Describing Xiao"s experiences in his life systematically, the first part explains the process of his literary creations."

现在发布一条公告,一名行迹可疑的男子正在前往公正之地的路上。This is a public service announcement regarding a shady looking fellow that may have made his way onto the Field of Justice.

智勋很诧异和本人具有一样的小熊玩偶是杀人事情证物的事实,开端清查小黑的行迹。ZhiXun very surprised and I have the same bear doll is killing the facts, beginning thing evidence of inventory black acted.

镇坪县曾经是老虎的栖息地,当地居民报告说近年曾听见过虎啸,也看见过老虎的行迹。Zhenping county has been a home of the tiger, and local people have reported hearing roars and seeing traces in recent years.

这个在街上闲逛的年轻人行迹十分可疑,以至于便衣警察将他送到了警察局。The young man wandering on the street acted so suspiciously that the policeman in plainclothes brought him to the police station.

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但央行是通过许多国家的第三方机构来买卖这类债务的,因此它的行迹让门外的分析人士难以窥测。But the central bank trades this debt through many third parties in many countries, making its activity opaque to outside analysts.

即是,在“出外驾驶”您能分享关于您的自行车的信息和图象,增加图象、地图路线和沿着你的行迹跟踪进展。At OutForARide you can share information and images about your bicycle, add images, map routes, and track your progress along trails.

汉业出殡时汉邦发现三水行迹,更不由得当街殴打他替兄报仇。When han industry funeral chamberlain overseas found more couldn't help when the street signs, sanshui vengeance for brother his assailant.