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近现代地上权肇端于罗马法。The modern superficies systems stem from Roman Law.

这场内战肇端于种族之间的紧张状态。It was against this backdrop of racial tension that the civil war began.

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如果一旦发生经济危机,他们会是不稳定的肇端。If there was ever an economic crisis, they could be a source of instability.

绘画的笔法,其基本且肇端于书法的“永”字八法。The method of painting lies yet in the "eight fundamental strokes of writing."

高等学校的社会服务职能无论在观念上还是在实践上,首先肇端于美国。The social service function in universities and colleges first originated from America.

和谐思想肇端于先秦,其内容涵括政治、经济、社会、文化等诸领域。Idea of harmony occurs in Pre-Qin period and it is related to politics, economics, society and culture.

中国近代女子教育以欧美基督教教会在华所办学校为肇端。Neoteric female-education in China has begun with the school created by missionaries who came to China.

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表决权信托制度肇端于美国,并在美国及其他国家得到了极大的发展。Trust system of voting rights starts in America and develops considerably in America and other countries.

论文提出古籍牌记肇端于汉简,出现于唐代。This paper lodges that the ancient books colophon began in Hart Dynastys letters, appeared in Tang Dynasty.

杭州慈善医药事业,如育婴机构肇端较早,养济院或类似的机构出现亦早,从宋朝开始就有长足的嬗进。Medical charities, such as birth-feeding institutions and Yangjiyuan were built early, which had improved since Song Dynasty.

本文试图通过对早期美国流行音乐肇端的梳理,还原其发展的本源。The paper attempts to discover its origin of development through sorting out the facts about its development in the early stage.

作为中国传统学术方法的代表之一,考据学早在春秋战国时期就已肇端。As China's traditional academic methods of the representative of the textual criticism as early as the Spring and Autumn period had been Zhaoduan.

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从概念外延来看,金融欺诈犯罪包括金融诈骗罪和虚假陈述型金融欺诈犯罪,这种界分肇端于古罗马法中的“诈欺”。From the perspective of extension of concept, the financial deception crimes can be divided into financial fraudulence crimes and the crimes of false representation.

先验哲学肇端于笛卡儿“我思故我在”的哲学原则,以“先验自我”为阿基米德点而使世界在主观性中客观化。Transcendental philosophy started with Descartess philosophical principle which makes the world objective in subjectivity with "transcendental self" as the Archimedess point.

当真爱肇端于圣坛瞬息,夫妻之间便起头了一场聪明与激动慷慨年夜方的竞争,一场为了一个不成能实现的理想而持续生平的奋斗。The true love story commences at the altar, when there lies before the married pair a most beautiful contest of wisdom and generosity, and a life-long struggle towards an unattainable ideal.

本文以引言为肇端,提出问题,后续五章针对问题从理论与实践上进行深入系统地研究。The paper takes its preface as an onset to raise the issues, which are to be discussed in a profound and systematic way from the aspects of theory and practice in the following five chapters.