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我看到一个身材修长的人。I saw a slender man.

她身量修长。She is tall and slim.

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她有修长的大腿。She has spidery long legs.

她是一个身材修长的年轻女子。She's a slender slip of a girl.

他身材修长,是个英俊的男子。He's a handsome man, tall and slim.

他身材修长,是个英俊的男子。He is a handsome man, tall and slim.

单鞋可以让你的腿看起来十分修长。Nude shoes make your legs look miles long.

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身材修长的模特儿袅袅婷婷地走过大厅。Long-stemmed models ankled though the lobby.

身材修长的模特袅袅婷婷地从厅中走过。Long-stemmed models ankled through the lobby.

修长的四肢稳步挺进,真诚的眼睛闪闪发光。Straight of limb, true of eye, steady and aglow.

面对现实吧,露茜,你两腿修长,很有天赋。Face it. You're a two-bit talent with skinny legs.

强度感也因此被置入到了这样一个精巧修长的设计中。Emphasis was thus placed on a slim, refined design.

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以后历代君王几乎都加固增修长城。Later kings almost reinforcement build the Great Wall.

她很高,修长的腿上穿着超短裤。She has long, slender legs and wears very short shorts.

一同用蛋糕短裙,秀出修长美腿吧!Together with cake skirt, showed off its long legs bar!

肩部、腰部的细带设计,更显女孩修长的身材。Thin bands in shoulders and waist show girl's slim figure.

这一款修长的牛仔裤就像白天和黑夜的故事.This slim jeans is as if telling thestory of day and night.

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而艾薇塔像其他训练有素的舞蹈演员一样,有着修长的肌肉。And Ivetta had the long, slender muscles of a trained dancer.

细条纹、垂直条纹和细微图案会显修长。Pinstripes, vertical stripes and subtle patterns can lengthen.

我伸手握住她放在胸前修长纤细的指头,却发现十指冰凉。I reach for the long, thin fingers that are lying on the chest.