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我恳切地请求你原谅。I earnestly pray for your pardon.

他们通常心如止水,诚挚恳切。Usually they are calm and sincere.

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她恳切地向他解释。She gave him a sincere explanation.

为每一个学生恳切地提名祷告。Pray earnestly for each student by name.

我确实将会这样去做的,”孩子恳切地说道。Indeed I will, ' said the boy, earnestly.

有些恳切的祈祷,有否回音?Is there some earnest prayer unanswered yet

他恳切地向朋友请求支持。He earnestly appealed to his friends for support.

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可能模仿是奉承的最恳切的形式。Maybe imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

“我们在更多的考虑开放”,他恳切的说。"We have to think a lot more openly, " he implores.

我们恳切希望改变生活方式并严格管制烟草。We plead for lifestyle changes and strict tobacco regulation.

他的胜利说明了恳切祈祷的力量。His victory is an evidence of the power of importunate prayer.

他手持玫瑰,面向观者,恳切哀求。He addresses the viewer directly, imploringly, with a rose in hand.

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德娜恳切地看着布莱尔,希望听到相反的观点。Dena looked appealingly at Blair, hoping to hear a contrary opinion.

达西先生极其恳切地把自己妹妹的成就赞扬了一番。Mr. Darcy spoke with affectionate praise of his sister's proficiency.

他们那光洁而又恳切的脸庞上绽放的神采让我禁不住微笑,我仿佛感受到了儿子的存在。I smile into the glow of their unlined, earnest faces and I feel my son.

“希刺克厉夫太太,”我恳切地说,“您一定得原谅我麻烦您。Mrs Heathcliff,' I said earnestly, `you must excuse me for troubling you.

他恳求似地抓住了艾伦的外套的前襟,说得那么恳切。He spoke with a pleading earnestness, taking alan by the breast of the coat.

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恳切求善的、就求得恩惠.惟独求恶的、恶必临到他身。He who seeks good finds goodwill, but evil comes to him who searches for it.

举办讲习班,让好奇的粉丝可以学到更多并且与你恳切交谈。Conduct workshops so curious fans can learn more and talk to you in the flesh.

启迪似乎总是从恳切地研究上帝的道而来。Enlightenment, it seems, always comes from an earnest study of the Word of God.