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你们有文具出售吗?Do you carry stationery?

金斯先生是一位文具商。Mr. Kings is a stationer.

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她到处推销文具用品。She travels in stationery.

这家商店卖文具。This store sells stationeries.

你知道启路文具吗?Do you know the KEYROAD stationery?

可以介绍你的文具吗?Can you introduce your stationeries?

文具们你一言,我一语。Are you a word'stationery, one after.

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文具及相关员工福利管理。Manage stationeries and staff welfare.

戴乐买了一些普通的文具。Dale bought some plain blue stationery.

露西将订购任何你需要的文具。Lucy will order any stationery you need.

所有文具都在这张桌子的抽屉里。All stationeries are in this desk drawer.

玩具在那边,文具的边上。Toys are over there, beside stationeries.

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他们给我们开文具发票了吗?Have they invoiced us for the stationery yet?

我必须到报刊经销店去买一些文具。I must go to the newsagent's to get some stationery.

快来买文具,华兴文具店大减价!Come and buy your stationery at Huaxing's great sale!

每个同学在两张小纸条上写下两样文具的英文及自己的名字。Write your name and two things you like on the paper.

我爱文具以及所有的书写的工具装备。I love stationery and all the accouterment of writing.

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我爱文具以及所有的书写的工具装备。I love stationery and all the accoutrement of writing.

麦博文具、欢迎您来到义乌!Yiwu Microlab Stationery Cooperation. Welcome to Yiwu!

让水晶文具为你的办公室带来新的亮点吧!Brighten up your office with these jeweled accessories.