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我对你真是甘拜下风。I've really got to hand it to you.

对雅虎来说,它这是在搜索业务上甘拜下风了。As for Yahoo, it's throwing in the towel on search.

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我见识过你的功夫,你能让亚瑟都甘拜下风。I've seen you in action. You could shame Arthur himself.

眼看自己在比赛中无望获胜,他只得甘拜下风。With no hope of winning, he had to take a back seat in the contest.

约翰逊先生得知谁是他的对手后,便甘拜下风退出比赛。Mr Johnson bowed out of the contest when he learned who his opponent was.

同她谈起话来,男人们也要甘拜下风,女人们只好完全投降。When she would talk, even the men under the table , and the women just gave up.

共和党,不会甘拜下风,决定试图罢免已经潜逃的八名民主党参议员。The Republicans, not to be outdone, decided to try to recall eight Democratic senators who had absconded.

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荣田也抚慰他,与那些能把黑说成白的律师相争,我们只能甘拜下风。RongTian also comfort him, and those who can put into a white lawyer black said, we can only salute contend.

就改变数字体验的性质而言,Facebook的贡献比任何其他网络公司都要大,即便苹果公司也甘拜下风。More than any other company on the Web -- even Apple -- Facebook has changed the nature of digital experiences.

那么灿烂,那么明亮,那么柔和,那么繁复,生命温和的颜色在世界的颜色面前甘拜下风。So bright, so light, so soft, so mingled, the gentle colour of life is outdone by all the colours of the world.

方便面的这种方便和快捷性能使其他加热方便主食,只能甘拜下风。Such convenience of instant noodles and fast performance makes other heating staple convenience only candidly admit defeat.

毫无疑问,在汽车爱好者眼中,粗枝大叶的美国汽车在奉行完美主义的德国妥富勒的独具匠心的设计面前应该甘拜下风。Surely slapdash American engineering will be put to shame by the inventive perfectionism of the German Tüftler, car folk mutter.

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调查表明,在家务活的问题上,男人总是“甘拜下风”,因为他们觉得女人乐于管家并承担所有的家务活。The research says that men are willing to take a back seat because they think women enjoy taking control of the house and all the duties.