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她把那消息平铺直叙地告诉了我们。She told us the news in a very, matter-of-fact way.

生活也是,不要平铺直叙,平淡无奇。Life is not straightforward, nothing out of the ordinary.

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在面试过程中,避免平铺直叙式的态度。During the interview process, avoid the 'been there, done that' attitude.

而杨勇的作品,象随意跟拍日常生活中的人物,平铺直叙地罗列生活的细节。Yang Yong took photos randomly on figures in daily life and exposed details directly.

抓住故事的中心思想,不要从头到尾地平铺直叙。Capture the essence of a story. Do not tell the whole story literally from the beginning to the end.

接下来,他用一种平铺直叙的语调指点给她整个西部和北部伦敦的每一条路。He went on in a flat voice conducting her, as it seemed to me, through every street in west and north London.

舞蹈家平铺直叙地讲完了故事,其后是沉默,接着舞蹈家笑了。In the silence that followed this story, which he told in the most straightforward manner, the dancer smiled.

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着重对平铺直叙结构、参差错落结构和高山平湖结构及与之相配的情愫进行分析。This article mainly makes an analysis of three structures of narrative prose and einfuhlen that matches them.

赋为铺陈直叙,即诗人把思想感情及其有关的事物平铺直叙地表达出来。Fu means straightforward expatiation which is to express the poet's ideas and other related matters descriptively.

对新手而言,书中用平铺直叙的文字告诉你市场是如何运作的,以及哪种投资“系统”能带来利润。For the novice, it brings a sense, stated in plain English, of how these markets operate and what investing "systems" can work well.

他们在出口平铺直叙的、设定在镶木地板的现代公寓里的、让人感受跃动法兰西的文艺片方面有着较好记录。They have a better export record with highbrow, low-plot movies, set in chic apartments with parquet floors, that feel moodily French.

九月,一寸绵软的时光里,生活的篇幅依旧平铺直叙着展开着,平实与琐屑依旧是这篇章的基调与味道。In September, a soft days, living space still tell in a simple, straightforward way begins, plain and little remains this chapter tone and taste.

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故事线非常平铺直叙,情节也是熟悉的套路,讲述了主角从幼时的训练,到最后成长为大师。The story is very straightforward and fairly familiar, traveling from the hero's early days of boyhood training, to the final showdown with the master.

我认为只有在深入地研究了人以后,才能创造人物,就像要讲一种言语就得先学习这种语言以养。既然我还没到能够创造的年龄,那就只好满足于平铺直叙了。IT is myconsidered view that no one can invent fictional characters without first having made a lengthy study of people, just as it is impossible for-erly mastered.

在屏幕上,看起来一切都没问题。而当我在纸质稿上审阅相同的内容时,才会突然意识到文章里的陈词滥调,冗词赘句或哪里太平铺直叙了。My prose will always look so flawless on the screen, but then I read the same words on the physical page and I suddenly see all my clichés and banalities and excesses.

闲话女孩在每集的开始用一种平铺直叙的、女演员式的腔调告诉我们,她是我们“仅有的进入曼哈顿精英令人愕然的生活的唯一渠道”。Gossip Girl tells us at the beginning of each episode, in a singsong, actressy tone, that she's our "one and only source into the scandalous lives of Manhattan's élite."