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但无论如何,我离题。But anyway, I digress.

无论如何都要爱他们。Love them, no matter what.

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无论如何,我今天不去。Anyhow Ishall not go today.

无论如何,明天都是新的一天。Afer all, tomorrow is another day.

无论如何,娱乐圈不适合你,罗依。Anyway, gags are not for you, Roy.

可能无论如何我要找到另一个玩具。Maybe anyhow I’ll get another toy.

无论如何,可别读本文!Whatever You Do, Don. t Read This!

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无论如何,务必选用一种调试器。Whatever you do, use the debugger.

无论如何,我刚回来,可从国际。Anyway I am just back from May Intl.

无论如何,我非常感谢你的帮忙。Anyway, thank you for all your time.

我无论如何都无法忍受了。E. g. I can't stand it at any price.

无论如何,你也不能买到更好的音响了。E. g. I can't stand it at any price.

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但无论如何,我给你们展示影片。But anyway, I'll show you the movies.

无论如何,尽一切办法进行测试。However, by all means make the tests.

无论如何,他们热切地希望这样。They fervently hoped so, at any rate.

反正无论如何这个战你一定要开打。You're going to have your war anyway.

但无论如何她还是不死心。But she did not give it up regardless.

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他无论如何也读不完。He couldn't finish reading it anywise.

无论如何,午餐通常是便餐。Lunch is normally a light meal anyway.

无论如何,她已经够优秀的了。She couldnot be more excellent anyway.