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人群川流不息沿街道走下去。The crowds flowed down the street.

车辆和行人在市内街上川流不息。Traffic circulates in the streets of a city.

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卡车和轿车整天在公路上川流不息。Trucks and cars flowed along the highway all day.

从黎明到黄昏街上车辆川流不息。There's traffic in the streets from dawn till dusk.

参观者川流不息地进入展览厅。Visitors entered the exhibition hall in a steady stream.

命令一下,群臣前去进谏的,一时川流不息,朝廷门口每天像市场一样热闹。The area in front of the palace gate was as busy as a market.

地震后的四川,流淌着川流不息的悲伤。Sadness was never-ending in Sichuan province after the earthquake.

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神圣这个词我以前从来都没有用过,但这就是我站在川流不息地人群中时的感觉。Holy is a word I never use, but that's how I felt stranded in all that traffic.

过年时,大街小巷人群川流不息,处处挂着红彤彤的灯笼,贴着喜气的对联。New Year's day, the streets arrived, everywhere hung with red lanterns, beaming of couplets.

以天为单位计量时间已经对我完全没有意义了,时间对我来说就是在川流不息的流动着。I no longer think of time in terms of individual days — now it’s a continuous and never-ending flow.

树的下面是川流不息的恒河,南面可以看到潘切瓦提神圣的小树林。Below the trees flowed the Ganges , and to the south could be seen the sacred grove of the Panchavati.

川流不息的车辆,匆匆来去的行人,象一个迷阵似的。The great mass of trucks and vehicles, the counter streams of hurrying pedestrians, seemed like a puzzle.

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观塘是东九龙区的心脏地带,裕民坊更是观塘区的交通枢纽,人流川流不息。Kwun Tong is the heart of East Kowloon, and Yue Man Square, its hub of transport. The place is always crowded.

泥土会被浸湿,剩下没挖好的部分自己也会被水冲倒,水就会川流不息地从运河里流进来。Then the earth becomes soaked and falls of itself, and the water of the river pours into the canal in torrents.

当马路上自行车的身影日渐式微的今天,张鹏野笔下的自行车却依然川流不息。As it is rare to see the bicycles in the street today, while the bicycles still flow in Zhang Pengye's painting.

与旧的移民模式不同的是,我们中间的不少移民川流不息重返我们最初生活的世界。Unlike the old model of immigration, many of us immigrants continue to go back to where we originally came from.

静安和尚在武汉化缘且很有耐心,同时还在密切关注交警指挥这着川流不息的交通。Gallagher is in Wuhan and he is waiting patiently, also, he is watching the traffic cop on a busy street crossing.

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在餐厅门外,没有那加兰德的青山,只有川流不息的车流提醒食客他们仍然还在德里。Outside, there were no green mountains, just an endless stream of traffic to remind diners they were still in Delhi.

当他在街上行走,看见出租马车、马匹、川流不息的人群和建筑物全都是梵天。When he walked in the street, he saw that the cabs , the horses, the streams of people, the buildings, were all Brahman.

我站在川流不息的时间里,谈笑风生,任凭满天的叶子飞舞,最终覆盖苍凉的生命。I was standing on the flow of time, laughing, even if the sky flying leaves, eventually covering the lives of desolation.