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著色容易、比重轻。Easy coloring, light relative density.

检查和纠正支持液的比重。Check and correct s. g of support liquid.

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比重是以未经进位数字计算。Shares are derived from unrounded figures.

移动设备在计算机市场中所占的比重将悦来越大。The market is continuing to move to mobile.

用比重计检查支承液的比重。Check s. g of support liquid with hydrometer.

剪切和粘贴比重新打字要快。It's quicker to cut and paste than to retype.

报房蓄电池组电解液比重小于1.285。Radio batteries specific gravity below 1.285.

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比重数字是以未经进位数字计算。Share figures are derived from unrounded figures.

拦网得分比重有逐渐上升的趋势。The proportion of block is seeing an upward trend.

在美国,癌症在死亡率中占相当大的比重。Cancer figures largely in the death-rate of the US.

唯一比重感冒更坏的就是重感冒溃疮。The only thing worse than a bad cold is a bad cold sore.

城镇人口比重明显增加。The proportion of urban residents will notably increase.

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我们要用低比重、低粘度泥浆打表层。We need lightweight, low-viscosity mud in surface drilling.

三是在菜肴中牛羊肉菜比重很大。Third, in a large proportion of dishes Meat cattle and sheep.

采用比重瓶法测定细胞密度。The density of cells was measured by the method of pycnometer.

扎赉特旗蒙古人的出售和购买的商品中,农产品的比重越来越大。Thirdly, more and more farm produce had been traded by Mongol.

将来国营农场的比重会一年一年大起来。In future the proportion of state farms will grow year by year.

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在导致壮年早逝的15个主要原因里,男人占的比重几乎都比女人大。Men lead in almost all of the top 15 causes of premature death.

从附加值的角度来看,出口所占的真实比重还要更小。In value-added terms, the real share of exports is even smaller.

石榴石产品硬度,比重,热稳定性测定。Hardness, specific gravity and thermal stability of garnet product.