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后来我在强求的逼问下,她终于说出来了!Later I am importuning force ask under, she at last say out!

狱长逼问护士Katie,为何医务室的门没有锁。Pope grills nurse Katie about the infirmary door being unlocked.

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迈克尔逼问是否罗兰德出卖了他们,他抵死不认。Michael confronts Roland about setting them up, but he denies it.

逼问之下,杨四郎终于坦言了自己的真实身份。Question closely under, yang Silang said frankly eventually oneself true identity.

对这一逼问,海丝特可没法作答了,因为连她自己也尚在阴暗的迷宫中徘徊呢。But Hester could not resolve the query, being herself in a dismal labyrinth of doubt.

钱柏豪被关押起来,村上向他逼问柳文婷的身份,他坚持称她是林百合。Qian Baihao was imprisoned, murakami LiuWenTing identity, to him she insists she is Lin Baige.

古韵书将村里剩余的人集合到海滩,逼问男人们的下落。Ancient book will round up the rest of the village to the beach, pressed on the mens whereabouts.

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方楷被立勤绑架,拖来旧货仓,立勤逼问方楷和爱真两人有关西装的下落。Fangkai is kidnapped by Liqin. Liqin forced Fangkai and Aizhen to reveal the whereabouts of the suit.

每一起学生伤害事故都会最终逼问学校的管理责任。Every injury accident about students is all relation with the administration responsibility of the school.

交际界的人用无礼的方式向我妹妹逼问整个事件的经过,我妹妹也变疯了。People in society asked my sister offensive questions about the whole incident, and she became an hysteric.

在逼问之下,他说出了自己遗尿的病症,以及在青春期10岁之后被捕的经历。When pressed, he disclosed a long history of urinary leakage and arrest of growth after the age of 10 years.

清华郡主却也没再继续逼问她,默默地转身走了。Chin Hua princess merely also have not repeatedly continue to compel to ask her, silently corner round to walk.

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太多的女人曾经向男友坦白过真实的性伴侣数量,最终却被不断地逼问详尽的细节。Too many women have told their boyfriends their real number, only to be nagged incessantly for explicit details.

答案已经有了,唐潮还是不甘心,怒气冲天上门找雪诺登算账,一番逼问,从其嘴中问出了真相。Have the answer, Tang Chao or unwilling, angry see snow board outside door, coercion, ask the truth from its mouth.

可能有非逼问的方法来处理抵抗,Borum表示,这些方法可以适用于审问场景。There may be non-coercive ways to address resistance, says Borum, which could be applied to an interrogation setting.

在逼问之下少年才坦承与女老师交往,并且发生性关系。After being questioned, the young boy admitted to having a relationship with this teacher and having sexual relations.

元宝把这一状况通知了大金牙,大金牙决议派人盯守等锁头去取钥匙一举拿下,严刑逼问。Wing that informed the big gold teeth, big gold teeth resolution sent DingShou locks to get keys to win, and coercion.

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品如决议去找艾莉逼问她颐养品的来路,试图探看艾莉显露马脚。Product such as resolution to find ailey BiWen she tasted lailu, remaining trying to explore see ailey expose of the bag.

被告常不被允许寻求法侓谘询而执法人员则依据在酷刑下逼问出来的供词。Defendants are often denied the right to legal counsel and prosecutors have relied on confessions extracted through torture.

PTSD是酷刑和其他形式逼问所造成的最普遍的心理负面作用。Post-traumatic stress disorder is the most common psychological ill-effect of torture and other forms of coercive interrogation.