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缓缓地拌和鸡蛋。Gently fold in the eggs.

河水缓缓地流动。The river is flowing slowly.

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他们在河上缓缓地上行。They slow-poked up the river.

一条缓缓的小溪让花生长。A slow flow makes flowers grow.

在头顶的山上它缓缓踱着步子And paced upon the mountains overhead

长长的朝圣人龙正缓缓地移动著。Joined the long queue to get on board.

缓缓而来的暮色也吥能。Which scarce the shade of coming even.

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火车启动的铃声响了,这是汽笛声,火车缓缓开动了。A bell rang. There was a hiss of steam.

船只缓缓地在泥滩上搁浅了。The ship grounded gently on a mud bank.

一轮红日正从海上缓缓升起。A red sun is rising slowly from the sea.

气球缓缓升上天空。The balloon rose up slowly into the air.

车子又缓缓的,艰难的驶入了正轨。The car has slowly, hard into the track.

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你别吓唬我,安娜—劳拉缓缓道。No me asustas, Ana—dice Laura lentamente.

接着,她直接朝马尔福缓缓走了过来。Then she moved straight to Malfoy slowly.

火车缓缓地开过这座已损坏的桥梁。The train crawled over the damaged bridge.

我跑不动了,让我缓缓气。I'm shagged out! Let me get my breath back.

缓缓的,轻柔的,夜色展现光彩。Slowly, gently, night unfurls its splendor.

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这条路缓缓盘山而上。The road curves gently around the mountain.

他心情沉重的缓缓地讲述那个故事。He slowly told us the story with a low mood.

不要动离合器,发动车辆,松开脚刹,你的车辆就可以缓缓降下山坡了。Your vehicle should just idle down the hill.