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她是一名卫生员。She is a medical orderly.

有些设备很昂贵,但是卫生员的支出并不高。Some of the equipment is expensive, but hygienists don't cost much.

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多媒体技术在部队卫生员教学中具有广阔的应用前景。Multimedia technology has a promising prospect of application in the hygeians teaching.

了解如何准备与牙科卫生员的提示使用牙线在这个自由的口腔卫生视频。Learn how to prepare for flossing with tips from a dental hygienists in this free oral hygiene video.

了解如何在这免费口腔卫生与视频的使用牙签从牙齿卫生员车刀。Learn how to do use tooth pick tools with tips from a dental hygienists in this free oral hygiene video.

介绍了我军新研制的军医背囊与卫生员背囊。This paper introduces the surgeon backpack and medical corpsman backpack which are newly developed for PLA.

1971年参加工作,在内蒙古生产建设兵团一师一团二连任卫生员。He worked in Inner Mongolia Production and Construction Corps in 1971 and joined the Chinese Communist Party in 1973.

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在军营学习了卫生员专业熟悉常见病和轻微创伤诊治。Has studied the health worker specialized familiar common disease and the slight wound diagnosis in the military compound.

了解有关从牙齿卫生员固定牙齿的资料,对口腔卫生和牙齿健康的免费视频更多。Learn more about fixing teeth with information from a dental hygienist in this free video on oral hygiene and dental health.

了解使用牙线是什么,为什么它的牙齿卫生员从在这个自由的重要秘诀口腔卫生视频更多。Learn more about what flossing is and why it's important with tips from a dental hygienists in this free oral hygiene video.

在军营学习了卫生员专业熟悉常见病和轻微创伤诊治。Professional health workers in the camp learned familiar with diagnosis and treatment of common diseases and minor injuries.

目的评价对某武警部队卫生员开展常见寄生虫病健康教育的效果。Objective To assess the effect of health education for the prevention of common parasitic diseases on the assistant nurse of police forces.

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提示村卫生员的医疗技术水平需要提高,用药行为需要规范。These remind us to improve the skill of the medical treatment for all village-doctors. And it needs the prescribing behavior of drug using.

1992年6月,确切的说是9个月以后,联邦调查局在迈阿密沙滩逮捕了我父亲,当时他在那当兼职的垃圾处理卫生员。In July 1992, exactly nine months later, the Feds busted my father on Miami Beach, where he was working as part of a trash-spearing sanitation crew.

当爸爸妈妈辛苦了一天回到家里时,马上又要变身成厨师,裁判员,卫生员,还要兼任营养学家,那太难了。When mom or dad comes home from a long day of work, we're already asked to be a chef, a referee, a cleaning crew. So it's tough to be a nutritionist, too.

了解如何开发强生公司于1888年与消费者使用这种免费的视频资料,从牙齿卫生员口腔卫生和牙齿健康蜡牙线。Learn how Johnson & Johnson developed wax dental floss for consumer use in 1888 with information from a dental hygienist in this free video on oral hygiene and dental health.

我关心班级,乐于帮助同学,作为校卫生员,我能够负责地完成老师托付给我的检查任务,督促同学们养成良好的卫生习惯。Everyday I try my best in the class. I'm also a good helper to my teachers and classmates. As a environmental keeper, I can complete my working well. And help others get a good habit.

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据专家介绍,一些国家更重视心理问题的预防,如社区设心理卫生员、学校配专业心理医生等。According to experts, some countries attach more importance to the prevention of psychological problems, such as community based mental hygienist, schools with professional psychological doctors.

我们到时屋里已有几个卫生员在弄着纱布棉花,满地上都是用砖头垫起来的门板,算作病床。We saw several medical orderly were arranging absorbent cotton and gauze bandages the time we arrived. Everywhere door planks supported by bricks lay on the ground. They were used as hospital beds.