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分层综采是厚煤层采煤方法之一。Slicing fully mechanized mining method is one of mining methods of thick seams.

担负大倾角工作面开采的综采队队长孙兆冰告诉笔者。Shoulder angle working face big mechanized mining captain Zhao-Bing told reporters.

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由于其特殊的结构和工作环境,刮板输送机迄今为止仍是综采工作面唯一的运输设备。For its special structure and working circumstance, so far it is the unique transporting means.

具突出危险性的厚煤层采用综采放顶煤开采法对消突是有积极作用的。Finally, the paper considers that the fully mechanized coal caving mining is helpful to control outburst hazard.

强调并论证了综采放顶煤开采方法,在厚煤层开采瓦斯安全方面的优势地位。The article emphasizes and demonstrates that moveable mining method in high seam has predominance of gas safety.

此外,还对潞安矿区有关煤矿综采放顶煤采区开采的地表移动规律分别进行了分析。At last, we make a respectively analysis of the moving law of the ground of every mining area in Lu"an mine region."

综采放顶煤技术已成为厚煤层开采的高产高效采煤技术。Fully mechanized caving mining has became mining technology of high output and efficiency in thick coal seam mining.

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在鹤岗矿业集团公司应用综采放顶煤采煤法,取得了良好的经济效益。We have got good economic benefit by adopting the apply of multiple ceiling coal mining in the Mine Block of Hegang.

通过对峙峰山煤矿5号煤采煤方法的设计,提出了采用综采放顶煤法回采5号煤。According to the conditions of seam No. 5 in Shifengshan Coal Mine, longwall face roof coal drawing method is chosen.

综采工作面的顶板管理,特别是破碎顶板的管理,是工作面循环作业中的重要环节。The management of the roof, especially is the management of fractured roof, is a key link in the face circulation operation.

分析了大倾角煤层综采工作面伪仰斜开采下端头超前上端头长度、伪斜角度的数学模型。When the pseudo-inclined caving was used in pitched seam, analysis the mathematical model of lead quantity and oblique angle.

分析了综采工作面支架倾倒的原因,介绍了处理综采支架倾倒的方法及预防措施。Aanlyses the causes of hydrolic support inclination in mechanical coal face, introduces treating method and preventing measure.

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介绍了KTC-5型集中控制系统的功能以及在综采工作面的应用。The paper introduces functions of centralized control system of the type KTC-5 and the application in the fully-mechanized face.

本研究成果为高瓦斯煤层综采工作面瓦斯动力灾害的防治提供了可靠的理论依据。The research results provided stable theoretical basis for high gas coal seam fully-mechanized face gas dynamic disaster control.

用有限元数值模拟方法,结合图形显示技术,对大隆煤矿综采工作面采空区瓦斯抽放问题进行了计算分析。Basing on finite element method and visual display technology, this paper analyses the gas drainage problem of goaf in Dalong mine.

现设计南家咀煤矿年产0.743百万吨煤综采放顶煤回采工作面设计。The design of South Tsui million tons of coal mines with an annual output of 0.743 fully mechanized top coal caving mining face design.

通过对综采工作面瓦斯涌出规律的分析,指出工作面生产期间和结束期间的瓦斯防治方法,并提出了需要解决的相关问题。Based on the analysis of gas emission law at full-mechanized face, gas disaster prevention method and related problems are put foreward.

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液压支架是综采工作面的重要设备,对整个工作面的安全生产起着至关重要的作用。Serving as the key equipment for fully mechanized longwall face, hydraulic support plays a major role to the whole face'safe production.

该文详细介绍了朱庄煤矿综采切眼使用的锚梁网支护技术。The present paper in detail introduced the Zhuzhuang coal mine synthesis picks cuts the eye use the anchor beam net timbering technology.

本文介绍了综采工作面回采超高时倾斜歪倒支架调整的方法及措施。This paper introduces the methods and measures of the adjustment of support tilt caused by ultrahigh mining in fully mechanized coal face.