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他更愿意用“母本”和“副本”。Instead, he prefers "original" and "copy".

克隆物与母本动物或植物完全相同。A clone is identical with the original animal or plant.

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这些植物都是同一母本植物的克隆物。These plants are all clones of the same original plant.

两种类型,几母本型艺术家和父本型艺术家。Two kind of types, mather nature artists and father nature artists.

Kedes博士要求测序的结果能够清晰地表明每一个单体型来自母本或是父本。Dr Kedes wants it to be clear which haplotypes came from which parent.

偏母型杂交水稻性状多似母本,如果母本性状优良,则F_1有高产优势的趋势。If the maternal plant has a fine character, its F_1 would give high yields.

玉米子粒的果皮是全部继承母本遗传信息的F1代组织1。Containing the ability of maternally inherited F1 tissue is the pericarp of maize.

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合理喷施赤霉素可以增加株高、提高母本异交结实率和产量。Spraying GA3 reasonable can be increased to improve the height, outcrossing rate and yield.

早冠是以鸭梨为母本,青云为父本杂交育成的自花结实早熟梨新品种。The self-fruitful pear cultivar Zaoguan was derived from the cross between Yali and Qingyun.

旱黄瓜龙园绣春是以自交系72-12为母本、以自交系56-8为父本配制而成的华南型黄瓜一代杂种。Longyuanxiuchun is a new cucumber F_1 hybrid developed by crossing two inbred line 72-12 and 56-8.

以同质广亲和恢复系为母本转育新的恢复系。Using WCR lines with CMS cytoplasm as female parent to develop new restorer lines by backcrossing.

以草鱼为母本,杂种一代为父本的回交子代全部为草鱼形,草食性。The backcrossing offsprings from female grass carp and male hybrid F_1 are herbivorous like grass carp.

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这从代谢方面论证了高邮杂交鲫是一个偏向于母本的杂交种。It is demonstrated from the metabolical aspect that the Gaoyouhybrid crucian carp is a matroLlinal hybrid.

利用国际水稻所培育的品系IR209作母本,与强恢复系测64-7杂交配组,定向选育成早熟恢复系恢92。A new early restorer line, Hui 92, was developed from the cross of IR209 and strong restoring line Ce 64-7.

本研究初步利用AFLP标记对半番鸭及其母本-北京鸭进行检测。In this paper, AFLP was used to detect feather color trait in mule duck and its female parent Beijing duck.

灵红A是以汕A为母本,用自选的灵红占为父本杂交转育而成的野败型多穗大穗优质不育系。Linghong A is a wild abortive type of male sterile line that has many spikes, big spikes and quality traits.

为父、母本进行正反交,用杂交种子进行无菌萌发研究和种胚发育观察。The hybrid seeds were obtained using direct crossing and reciprocal crossing, then germinated in axenic culture.

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用不同世代的小麦杂种为母本和鸭茅状摩擦禾进行属间杂交。Using wheat hybrids as female parents and Tripsacum dactyloides as pollen parent intergeneric crosses were made.

威玉17是威海市农业科学院以外引系齐319为母本,自选系H564为父本组配而成的玉米单交种。Weiyu 17 is single cross hybrid which was combined with Qi 319 as the female parent and H564 as the male parent.

这些结果表明,雌核发育后代的遗传物质来源于母本,无父本遗传物质参与。These results showed that all genetic materials of gynogenetic offspring were completely from the maternal parent.