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我不喜欢对上司惟命是从。I hate to truckle to my superiors.

我得对上司惟命是从,这叫我心里实在难受。I am sick of having to truckle to my superiors.

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他发号施令,人们惟命是从。He was giving orders, and people were taking them.

到了此时,我已经对威尔逊诚惶诚恐、惟命是从了。Until now I had felt afraid of Wilson and had obeyed him.

我想体现自己的艺术观点而不想惟命是从。I wanted to have my own artistic input into it and not be dictated to.

据说,港澳不大可能遵守经合组织规定,也不对外国政府惟命是从。They are, it is said, less likely to enforce the OECD rules or to kowtow to foreigners.

她从一位惟命是从的国企工人,变成了一位进行违法交易的生意人,但依然不能逃脱苦难。She went from obedient state employee to lawbreaking trader, but could not escape her plight.

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这样的哲学指导培养出来的只会是思想的懒汉和惟命是从的思想奴隶。This philosophy will guide nurtured lazy and are thinking of but the idea of life are from the slave.

有时候可能就是那些表面惟命是从,但实际却无所作为的员工。Sometimes it might be somebody who, on the surface, looks very agreeable but underneath isn't being productive.

美国似乎更愿意在亚洲有一个惟命是从的一党制国家,也不要一个顽固,废话多多,不过更加民主的同盟国。The US seems to prefer an obedient one-party state to a difficult, faltering, but more democratic partner in Asia.

竞选委员会被公认为是穆塞韦尼的拥簇,同样对他惟命是从的还有警方、军方和司法部门。The Electoral Commission is widely viewed as subservient to Mr Museveni, along with the police, army and judiciary.

我看见大批迟钝蠢笨,受过训练,惟命是从,粗野凶残的德国士兵,像一大群爬行的蝗虫在沉重缓慢地前进。I see also the dull , drilled , docile , brutish masses of the hun soldiery plodding on like swarm of crawling locusts.

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强制或威胁也许能使孩子暂时惟命是从,但也仅仅限于威胁起作用的时候。过后,他们又回到原来想做的事上去。Physical force or threats may make children do as they're told in the short term but their compliance will last only as long as the threat is relevant.

强制或威胁也许能使孩子暂时惟命是从,但也仅仅限于威胁起作用的时候。Physical force or threats may make children do as they"re told in the short term but their compliance will last only as long as the threat is relevant."

那时,我们兄弟姐妹都已经离开家,“布茨”因此也就成了我父亲最理想的孩子,它是我父亲热情可爱、惟命是从的好朋友。By then, all of us kids had moved away from home. So Boots also became the perfect child my father never had. She was an eager, loving and obedient pal for him.

大量证据证明,如果组织鼓励其成员发挥主动意识和承诺精神,而不只惟命是从,组织的绩效则会得到提升。A large body of evidence attests to the fact that organisational performance improves when members are invited to offer initiative and commitment, not just compliance.