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这就是多样化的魅力,没有异同往往就是生活的痛苦之源。That’s the beauty of diversity. Homogeneity is the bane of life.

在此基础上,以互见的方法比较二者在接受、研究方面的异同。On this basis, compare the similarity and differences of the two.

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这与其他媒介中的通信模型相比较有何异同?How does that compare the the communication models in other mediums?

且书中引用的几位西方文化偶像来约略比一比异同。Let's examine the way the book cites a few idols of Western culture.

下图强调了继承与实例化的异同。A diagram emphasizes the orthogonality of inheritance and instantiation

比较了不同方法合成的乳液在性能上的异同。The effects of different processes on emulsion properties were studied.

探讨了现代医学和传统中医对脂肪肝的认识异同。It discusses the different recognitions to fat liver between TCM and WM.

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耶利米与乌利亚有何异同?What similarities and contrasts can you find between Jeremiah and Uriah?

简述细菌内毒素和外毒素的主要异同点。List the main differences between the endotoxin and exotoxin of bacteria.

目的探讨家族性与散发性精神分裂症的异同。Objective To study of clinical features of family and sporadic schizophrenia.

本文比较分析了唐英与蒋士铨戏曲创作的异同。The thesis makes a comparative analysis of the two masters in opera creation.

它们的异同来自其各自的文化与传统。It is resulted from the respective culture and tradition of the two languages.

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首先,金字塔内部梯式塔心与原先倒塌的金字塔塔心并无异同。First, an inner-stepped core, not unlike the core of a collapsed pyramid was built.

仔细阅读文章并结合文章主题,找出各种文化对身势语理解的异同事例。What examples are given to show that body language varies from culture to culture?.

元素之间有什么异同和存在什么内部联系?And what are the similarities and differences exist between internal contact elements?

以利户的宇宙观与今日的宇宙观有何异同?What are the similarity and difference between the cosmology of Elihu and current view?

目的探讨家族性与散发性精神分裂症临床特征的异同。Objective A controlled study of clinical features of familial and sporadic schizophrenia.

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支原体、衣原体及立克次体的生物学特性有何异同?What are the main different bio-characteristics among mycoplasma, chlamydia and rickettsia?

对这些语料的分析旨在找出英汉语广告中主位推进模式的异同。These advertisements are simplified and diagramed according to the TP patterns they exhibit.

神经科学点明了电信号与人脑之间的异同之处.Neuroscience shed light on the parallels and differences between electronic and human brains.