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他编造了一个足以乱真的借口来欺骗我们。He invented a likely excuse to cheat us.

鱼饵游姿测试达到印假乱真的效果。The swim posture is similar to the real fish.

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许多假货可以乱真,商家无法一下子识破。Many fake the real thing, merchants can not see through at once.

古色古香的仿古家具,简直可以乱真。These classic pieces of furniture imitating ancient style almost look genuine.

风格更为多样,从宽广的卡通风格到几乎与照片乱真。Styles have become more varied, from broadly cartoonish to almost photo-realistic.

必须注意防止热应变引起乱真输出。Care must be exercised to prevent thermal strains from introducing spurious output.

朵云轩传统的木版水印工艺精湛绝伦,复制艺术的水平达到了形神兼备以至乱真的境地。The craftsmanship of the traditional water block printing was exquisite, and copying technology had reached a level of fidelity.

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虽说画出来的成品并没能乱真到马奈本人会在上面签名的程度,但像马奈的成分要比像赫德森的多得多,而且把这位老板画得惟妙惟肖。It was not a Manet than Manet would have signed but it looked more like Manet than it did like Hudson and it looked exactly like the proprietor.

详细分析了其噪声来源,重点讨论EMCCD相比普通科学级CCD特有的乱真电荷和噪声因子,计算信噪比。This paper fully analysed the noise sources, mainly discussed two extra sources – Spurious Charge and Excess Noise Factor, and calculated the SNR of EMCCD.

以全新的素材制作的模型,一见虽然几可乱真,但仍然只是虚构的产物。The models have all been made using brand-new materials and seem at first glance to be in perfect condition, but they're really nothing more than a fiction.

穿者觉察到危险时,只需掀起前面的裙摆举过头顶,裙摆上印有几乎可以乱真的自动售货机图样,这样女性就可以化身为街边一台自动售货机。In cast of danger, the wearer lifts a flap on the front of her skirt and hides behind the sheet, which is printed with a life-size photo of a vending machine.

我敢说没有人看了那些实例后,不对我们的对手是何等具有攻击性,那些陷阱已变得何等乱真而感到恐惧。I challenge anyone to view the examples and not be a little scared of how aggressive our adversaries are being or how realistic-looking their traps have become.

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泰瑞欧指出,很多时候假药看起来几可乱真,但有时候又隐藏着一些消费者应该注意的微妙差异。Many times fake drugs look just like the authentic product. But sometimes there are subtle differences that consumers should be on the lookout for, Theriault said.

这些假网站最迷惑人的地方还在于,除“中奖活动”内容之外,点击其它网页均可正常链接使用,足以乱真!These false websites most illusive place still depends on, divide " activity of win a prize in a lottery " besides content, click other webpage to all can be linked normally use, enough look genuine!