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接踵而来的是一场短暂的骂战。A short verbal battle follows.

失败之后,接踵而来的是大混乱。After the defeat great disorders followed.

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有了名位,嫉妒和仇恨便接踵而来。After honor and state, follow envy and hate.

时光流逝,接踵而来的是十五岁的花季。The passage of time, follow the 15-year-old season.

阿拉伯石油禁运后接踵而来的是赎罪日战争。The Yom Kippur War was followed by an Arab oil embargo.

长袖衫入袋,无数其他物品接踵而来。Fleece goes in the bag. Repeat with countless other items.

只要往水里投放鱼食各种各样的小鱼就会接踵而来。As long as the water dropping food variety of fish will wake.

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中秋购机小高峰已经远去,紧接着十一狂潮接踵而来。Mid-Autumn purchase small peak has gone, then follow the tide of 11.

但是一旦升舱到头等舱,无数高热量美食也就接踵而来了。But first-class upgrades come with all sorts of high-calorie goodies.

不幸的是,对此种处境先前的经理并未理解,于是灾难接踵而来。Sadly, the previous manager didn’t understand this and mayhem ensued.

我们说一旦拉杰放松下来,好时光就接踵而来了。Let’s just say good times ensued once Raj started really loosening up.

罗森博格无助地盯着接踵而来的那幕令人激愤难平的场景。Rosenberg stared helplessly at the implacable sequence that came next.

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接踵而来的洪水挑战了三峡的泄洪极限。The floods that followed tested the Three Gorges Dam to near-capacity.

别忘记购船之后接踵而来的许多相关开销。Don't forget the many related costs you'll incur after the boat purchase.

水星逆行的时候,类似的乱七八糟的事情会在这一时期接踵而来。Topsy-turvy things happen like this all the time when Mercury is retrograde.

悲剧的是,在种族隔离离开后,接踵而来却的是不公平。Tragically, since the end of apartheid inequality in South Africa has grown.

接踵而来的针对茅先生的刻薄批判即使在我预料之中,仍使我不胜讶异。The ensuing vitriol against Mr. Mao was, to me, both expected and surprising.

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你到了截止日期才交了工,但另一件已接踵而来。You get through one deadline but the next one is already knocking on the door.

麻烦接踵而来,幸福亦会来临,永远会在某天出现。Troubles that come, happiness that fulfills, and eternity which someday will be.

一波又一波的经济坏消息接踵而来,促使全球股市大幅走低。Wave upon wave of negative economic reports keep pushing the world markets down.