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有什么食疗方法降血压?What dietotherapy method falls blood pressure?

食疗是与药疗同源诞生的。Food is homologous with the birth of the medication.

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高血压的症状是什么?食疗要怎么补?What is hypertensive symptom? How should dietotherapy fill?

“牵手”南瓜汁具有哪些食疗作用?What diet therapy function does Qianshou pumpkin juice have?

乌骨鸡有独特的药用功能和滋补食疗作用。Silkies have unique medicinal tonic function and the role of diet.

治疗抽动症的食疗方法有人知道吗?。Does cure twitch the dietotherapy method somebody of disease knows?

这正是当我谈论食疗健身时的想说的本义。It is the essence of what I mean when I talk about eating to flourish.

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谈到苹果公司的命名,他说,他当时正在“水果食疗中”。On the naming of Apple, he said he was "on one of my fruitarian diets."

这种食疗食品有滋补营养的效用。This sort of dietetic food has the effect of nourishing the human Body.

过敏性鼻炎咽炎有食疗偏方吗?Does irritability rhinitis pharyngitis have dietotherapy folk prescription?

选对了就有用,食疗,按摩,精油,花月婷。Have picked the right use, diet, massage, essential oils, flower month Ting.

她的食疗让斯普尔洛克在演完电影之后迅速恢复了健康。Her diet quickly restored Spurlock to a state of health after he made the movie.

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你的糖尿病食疗很可能包括大量水果,蔬菜和全谷物。Your diabetes diet probably includes plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

这种食疗食品有滋补营养的效用。The labels on food products give a lot of information about their nutritional content.

水肿、高血压、慢性肾炎患者可作为食疗饮料。Patient of oedema, hypertensive, chronic nephritis can regard dietotherapy as beverage.

所以还不清楚他们中多少有这问题,或者有多少通过食疗有所缓和。So it's not clear how many of them have it, or how many are relieved of it through diet.

乌麦食疗生产法已申请国家专利,进入实审阶段。The wheat production method has diet national patent applications, into real trial stages.

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虽然这种食疗基本上没取得什么成效,但是有些圈子还在使用,迈尔斯说。Though the diet achieved only modest results, it is still used in some circles, Myers says.

在最近这些年,在美国,食疗还是一种有争议的话题。The idea of food as medicine has been a controversial topic in this country in recent years.

把它列入治胆囊疾病的食疗清单中,这种疾病的女病患人数是男性的两倍。Add it to your arsenal against gallbladder disease, which afflicts twice as many women as men.