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我们为落日的余辉而激动。We get excited about sunsets.

再无需加演,因为有余辉。No more encore except for the afterglow.

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晕晕余辉,残阳映红了江水。Faint afterglow, sun reflected the red river.

而我也将为能够看到绚丽多彩的落日余辉而祈祷。And I should pray for the glory of a colorful sunset.

本论文的研究集中在伽玛暴的余辉方面。The study in my thesis focuses on the GRB afterglows.

太阳的余辉已经渐次消失在云端里。The last ray of the sun had already faded from the cloud-edges.

日出东升,我伸手是遮挡那一抹余辉。Sunrise in the east, I reached a block that touch of persistence.

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研究了其激发光谱、发射光谱和余辉光谱。The excitation, emission and afterglow spectra were investigated.

落日的余辉也慢慢抽回了它最后的温暖,当时的情况是如此的凄凉和悲哀。The sundown drew in the last warm slowly, it's dreariness and sad.

夕阳西下,把金色余辉洒在矮矮的西山上。The sun was setting, spilling golden lights on the low western hills.

当夕阳的余辉,照耀在海豚的背上,我的下午也结束了。And the afternoon would end with dolphins cresting in the water ahead.

夜幕初临,维港灯火渐明,天边一抹紫霞余辉。Nightfall, the harbour lights gradually, the horizon a daisy afterglow.

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夜色流淌,月儿余辉朦胧地面,小河拱桥仿佛摇篮一般轻轻荡漾。The moon brightness covers ground and the arch bridge popples like cradle.

落日余辉,映着彩霞,迎着微风,向着天际。Setting sun rays, reflected the rosy clouds, meet the breeze, toward the horizon.

在落日的余辉下,我们坐在溪中岩石上洗衣服。In the rays of the setting sun we sat on the rocks in the stream, washing clothes.

“现在,”他拿出剑说,剑在夕阳的余辉中闪着光,“让我给你表演表演。Now, he said, producing his sword, which flashed in the evening sunlight, 'let me show you.

对长余辉材料中的一些问题,如余辉机理等进行了总结和探讨。Some questions of the LLP materials, such as its phosphorescent mechanism, are also discussed.

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那些鲜活的小鱼儿,情不自禁地在余辉中体味着跳跃的乐趣。Those fresh fish, be overcome by one's feelings in the afterglow of contemplating jumping fun.

当形单影只地年夜象在夕照余辉中纵情游玩时,你地感受是什么?When the hordes of elephants enjoy playing in the afterglow of sunset, your feelings for that?

深入开展高性能长余辉玻璃的研究和应用开发具有重要的意义。It is very useful to carry out the research of high-quality long-lasting phosphorescent glasses.