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这很贴切。This is apt.

我觉得这个词挺贴切的。I think this term is apt.

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这个比喻很贴切。This metaphor is very appropriate.

为什么和此情此景如此贴切?Why did it fit the scene so perfectly?

与此处地形地貌非常贴切。And the topography is very appropriate.

动脉瘤可是一个最贴切的词了。Aneurism is as good a word as any other.

你看贴切能不能给我一个简略的数字。Can you just give me a hobbys event figure?

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用"惊人"来形容这个观点是贴切的It is fair to describe this as astonishing.

说她是缩头乌龟还更贴切。A turtle hiding in her shell is more like it.

最贴切,也是我们唯一能想到的答案The best guess and that's the only thing we have.

将我们这几个人称做猫比虎更贴切。Cats would have been more appropriate than tigers.

贴切的类比和比喻也会有较好的效果。Well-chosen analogies and metaphors can also help.

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我找不到贴切的词来表达我的意思。I can't find suitable words to express what I mean.

我觉得这个词挺贴切的。I think this term is apt. Pseudo-work feels like work.

我想没有哪句比这句更加贴切了。I don’t think anyone could say it any better than that.

为你的维基网站取一个最贴切的名字。Specify a name that best describe the purpose of your wiki.

贴切的引语和珠玑般的诗句为他的演说词增添文采。The apt citations and poetic gems have adorned his speeches.

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跟其他网站一样,CNN也提供了最贴切的拼写修正。Like the others, CNN provides closest-match spelling correction.

研究是一个问题。苏格拉底有过这样最贴切的类比。Research was a problem. The closest analogue came from Socrates.

这个车真是既拥有美妙的设计也有贴切的称呼。A very accurate title for the vehicle having so fantastic design.