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那就是深渊。Then the abyss.

或者跳进深渊之中。Or jump into the abyss.

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法律是有底的深渊。Law is a bottomless pit.

在多远的深渊或穹苍点燃In what distant deeps or skies

他处于绝望的深渊。He was in the depth of despair.

皆湮灭在时间日益僵滞的深渊中。In the petrifying abyss of Time.

它是深渊对峰巅的呼唤It is a depth calling unto a height

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他们堕入了罪恶的深渊。They are sunk in the depth of vice.

啊,把我抛向爱的深渊吧——拔除Oh plunge me deep in love -- put out

整个岛都已坠入深渊。All my islands have sunk in the deep.

当然,他最终从无底的深渊里爬了出来。He would, of course, climb out of it.

玛金和伯恩斯的深渊和坟墓The gulf and grave of Maginn and Burns

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不要让自己沉浸在愧疚的深渊里。Try not to wallow in feelings of guilt.

深渊巨口的技能就弄上减速就OK!Abyss giant mouth skill get speed on OK!

我们爱对方在没有阳光的深渊。We love each other in the sunless abyss.

时常都感觉头要爆炸似的,思想是包袱、是深渊、是痛苦。Thoughts are burdens the abyss and agony.

他向这些深渊中的哪一条点头表示同意?To which of the gulfs did he nod his head?

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对于另一些笨蛋而言,这里比无尽深渊还糟糕。For other berks, it's worse than the Abyss.

不要陷入自我怀疑的深渊!Never wallow in the valley of self-delusion.

只有深渊般的眼睛才能在那儿航行并飞翔。Which only abyssal eyes can sail and fly in.