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他是一个和我意气相投的人。I found in him a congenial temper.

我只接纳与我意气相投的人。I only let people in who vibe with me.

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在那个单位里我没碰到几个意气相投的人。I met few people congenial to me in the department.

在这座小村庄中,他发现没几个人跟他意气相投。In this small village, he find few persons congenial to him.

我们想法一致,观点相合,总之大家意气相投。What, with the largest portion of your mind -- sentiments -- tastes?

他在这个变化莫测的西部城市很少能找到意气相投的友情。He found very little congenial companionship in this casual Western city.

他们也许招聘一位意气相投,具有了能够掩饰住自己缺陷的光鲜的人。They may hire someone who struck a chord, whose pop and polish masked his deficits.

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清晨静谧之中的澎湃的潮水是那么迅疾,那么深沉,那么可信,有如意气相投的挚友。The strong tide, so swift, so deep, and certain, was like a congenial friend, in the morning stillness.

她转过身去,从查理身边走过,来到比较意气相投的杜诺瓦和拉海当中。She turns her shoulder to charles and walks past him to the more congenial neighbourhood of dunois and la hire.

“他们属于不同的社会阶层嘛。”然而,正相反,两家人居然意气相投,克莱夫和莫瑞斯看到他们济济一堂,觉得好笑。But, perhaps out of perversity, the families did get on, and Clive and Maurice found amusement in seeing them together.

他们雇佣的也许是一位意气相投,极好地掩饰了自己缺陷的人。They may hire someone who struck a chord, whose pop and polish masked his deficits. It could come down to a gut feeling.

我们必须寻找我们以前从未考虑过的新的合作伙伴,而他们或许跟你不那么意气相投,并会提出自己的要求--目前的全球金融危机明显表明了这一点。And they will be less congenial and have demands of their own. The recent global financial crisis has made it very plain.

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另外,看著改变了态度的秀珍,和赵建意气相投的秀珍,使明秀的心动摇了。In addition, look at the show Jane changed his attitude, and zhao jian sympathetic show Jane, make the nature heart shaken.

在北京的这些日子是令人愉快的,而且使我感到高兴的是,我访问途径的这一站能够在如此意气相投的气氛中结束。These have been very pleasant days in Peking, and I'm happy that this phase of my visit should conclude in such a congenial atmosphere.

然而热爱生活的人,不论男女,一旦和这样的人意气相投起来,就容易大有所得。Nevertheless the lover of life, male or female, finding himself or herself in sympathetic accord with such a nature, is APT to gain much.

“财务学系充满著机智及意气相投的老师,”难怪自大学一年级起,他便爱上这门学科。His love of finance began during his first year at HKUST. "The Finance Department faculty were resourceful and congenial mentors, "Shun Hong said.