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谨防空洞的承诺。Beware of hollow promises.

他的说教听起来很空洞。His preachings rang hollow.

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空洞的诺言是无诚意的。An empty promise is insincere.

我受不了他那些空洞的说教了。I'm tired of his empty theory.

呜呼,可怜人类,空洞的故事!Alas, poor mortal, void of story!

空洞式很有意思。Empty love is kind of interesting.

话语在她耳畔空洞地回响着。The words rang hollow in her ears.

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你在充盈之前就安置了空洞。You put emptiness before fullness.

但是这些空洞的声音知道些什么呢?But what do disembodied voices know?

于是那只海贝,脆弱而空洞。And then the seashell, fragile, empty.

但当月光照亮他们的空洞But when the moon their hollows lights

牙齿上的空洞是由龋蚀造成的。Cavities in teeth are caused by decay.

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以上为空洞式爱情。That's what Sternberg calls empty love.

我对他空洞的吹嘘有点烦了。I'm getting tired of his empty boasting.

空洞的黑暗在死亡帐篷的翼翅下。Empty darkness under the death-tent wings.

跨年代的联系往往是空洞无力的。The cross-dating links were often tenuous.

官员们被空洞的恭维话弄得心里美滋滋的。Officials were flattered by empty complements.

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让人逡巡徘徊的只能是思想空洞和心灵空虚。Only empty heads and empty hearts can do that.

事已至此,再谈改革未免空洞。Such episodes make talk of reform ring hollow.

拒绝空洞地理想,拒绝不着边际的政治。We refuse empty ideals and discursive politics.