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斜纹棉布裤可能是卡其色。Chinos can be khaki color.

他常穿斜纹软呢服装。He often dresses in tweeds.

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斜纹织纹帆布鞋面。Uppers of twill or textured canvas.

粘贴型斜纹棉布保护填充垫Moleskin adhesive protection padding

双按钮门襟斜纹录音。Two-button placket with twill taping.

在学校里,更合适的着装可能是斜纹粗棉布和灯芯绒长裤.。For school try denim and corduroy trousers.

纯棉巧克力色斜纹内层。Solid cotton LP chocolate-color twill lining.

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一件斜纹长羊毛衫才是当前的时令。A long, lean cardigan is a contemporary upgrade.

斜纹面料织法有明显的斜度,稍有光泽。Twill fabrics texture has apparent rake, a bit luster.

粘贴型斜纹棉布保护填充垫可以解决这个问题。Moleskin adhesive protection padding remedies this problem.

斜纹真丝混纺水嫩柔软坚固的结构。Silk twill blends sturdy construction with supple softness.

有斜纹,平纹,缎纹等多种规格。And we can provide fabrics of twill, plain cloth, satin etc.

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介绍纯棉特细支斜纹织物的生产。The production of the super fine cotton twills is introduced.

粗斜纹棉布、牛仔、软绸等是以斜织制成的布料。Denim, Jean, Foulard and etc are fabrics made from twill weave.

卡其是一种颜色,但是现在等义于一种军事斜纹裤。Khaki is a color, but is now synonymous with a military twill pant.

斜纹棉布裤不一定是斜条纹的,但是常常是棉花的结实编织。Chinos don't have to be twill, but are often a firm weave of cotton.

丝光黄斜纹裤用粗糙的斜纹棉布做的裤子。Trousers made of a coarse, twilled cotton. Often used in the plural.

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李民浩穿着格子衬衫、灰色背心、白色长裤、系着斜纹领带,帅气登场。A handsome Min Ho wore a checker shirt, grey vest, white pants and tie.

另外兼营斜纹切布,生产制帽模具,和切布机配件。Denim Qiebu addition, production Hatting die, and cut Cloth accessories.

人字纹大衣双排扣斜纹软呢外套采用了缺口领和6按钮关闭。Double-breasted tweed jacket with a notched collar and 6 button closure.