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加水,陈醋和生抽。Pour in water, vinegar and light soya sauce.

陈醋泡冰糖可以降血压么?。Can rock candy of mature vinegar bubble fall blood pressure?

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德国酸菜,韩国泡菜,日本味噌,咸菜,陈醋。Sauerkraut, kimchee, miso, you name it pickles, wined aged vinegar.

得到了黑紫色、透明的高档陈醋,且放置6个月无沉淀。The vinegar product could be stored for 6 months without any sediment problem.

本文对钙铁锌复合强化陈醋进行了初步研究。The complex Ca-Fe-Zn supplements of vinegar were primarily studied in this paper.

这种陈醋处理剂无毒副作用,对环境无污染。The agent doesnot have the poisonous side-effect, and does not pollute the environment.

因此女人没有必要怕老,“年华就像陈醋,越酝酿越有味道。”Therefore a woman does not need to Palao, "Love is like vinegar, the more preparation the more flavor."

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本文简述了白登陈醋的生产工艺及主要技术参数。This paper briefly introduces the brewing process and main technical parameters of Baideng mature vinegar.

把陈醋加热,关上门窗,隔一段时间在房间里熏蒸一次,可有效杀除感冒等病毒。Heat the vinegar, close doors and windows, fumigate in the room from time to time, which can effectively kill the flu virus.

品种有老陈醋、名特醋、双醋、陈醋、特醋、晋醋、味醋、熏醋等。Variety of old and vinegar, vinegar, Montrose, double vinegar, vinegar, special vinegar, Shanxi vinegar, taste vinegar, smoked vinegar.

比如,标准建议,用陈醋制作的凉菜怪味鸡丝应选用饲龄为一年左右的公鸡肉。The guidelines advise, for instance, that "strange-flavored chicken strips, " a cold dish that includes dark vinegar, should use the meat of a one-year-old rooster.

以陈醋作对照分析,对沙棘醋中的总酸、总糖、总灰分、总氨基酸、维生素C、有机酸及金属离子含量进行了分析测试。By comparing with aged vinegar, analyzed the nutrition components of tota1 acids, sugar, tota1 ash, amino acids, vitamin C, organic acids and metallic elements in seabuckthorn vinegar.