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一池秋波,碎了曲曲柔肠!A pool of Akinami, broken after another Rouchang!

曲曲虽说赌博损失了不少,可还是有感恩之心啊!Dance music while gambling losses, but still have a lot of gratitude!

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盛怒的不出名治疗者渴望弄到这种带捲曲曲线的水银珍品。The furious obscure curer is curious to secure the curly-curved mercury curiosity.

迪金森用她的爱谱写出一曲曲爱情永存,灵魂永生的赞歌。Dickinson had composed pieces of immortal paeans of the soul and love with her love.

静卧梧桐树下,看叶离树枝漫飞舞,听一曲曲乐章为梧桐赋。Lying under the tree branches, leaves from diffuse flying, listen to a movement for Indus.

他们公而忘私、舍己救人的英勇行为,写下了一曲曲时代的颂歌。They selfless, sacrifice own interest for sake of others the heroic behavior, has written a tune tune time ode.

一曲曲时代强音,一代代精神传承,潞安不断做大做强。With the spirit passing generation by generation and the times ictus playing, Lu'an is developing stronger and larger.

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他的眼睛亮得像两颗明亮的星星,他的金发虽然有水滴下来,可是卷卷曲曲的,非常好看。His eyes sparkled like two bright stars, and his hair hung in lovely curls, even though the water was still streaming from it.

古往今来,不知有多少人为之倾倒,用炙热的感情谱写出一曲曲动人的爱情赞歌。Up to the present, it is unknown that so many people pour out their soul. They sing a lot of love-paeans with vehement passions.

曲曲悲歌实际是曹雪芹对道教信仰法术进行否定的形象化的“宣泄和标示”。Thus those sorrowful songs of Cao's were actually his imaginative "explosion and indication" to negate Taoist worship and rituals.

月光,月光,谱出一曲曲扣人心弦的动人旋律,犹如此时在月光曲中,自我陶醉,自我享受。Moonlight, moonlight, the spectrum of one after another exciting and moving melody, as if in the Moonlight, narcissism, self-enjoyment.

因此,本设计以舞蹈的灵魂----音乐为主题,以一曲曲美妙的旋律串联起一幕幕芭蕾舞的篇章。Therefore, the design of the soul ---- dance music as the theme, a beautiful melody after another series of chapters from the ballet scenes.

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西班牙的孩子们在左邻右舍里和着国歌的旋律配上自己编的歌词,变成了一曲曲调皮的小调,丝毫没有歌唱国歌时的神圣之感。THE naughty ditty that generations of Spanish schoolchildren have sung to one another to the tune of the national anthem is hardly respectful.

借酒与梦带给她或实或虚的世界,为我们展示出她人生中或苦或乐的真实存在,传达出她的曲曲心声。She brought with Liquor dream or real or virtual world, for us to show her life or suffering, or real music, to convey her voice after another.

他以仁慈无私、难能可贵地行为实行着入党誓词,唱响啦一曲曲爱地赞歌,遭到啦社会各界地好评和赞誉。In his kindness selfless, commendable actions to party a one after another love oath, ring of hymns, was of social all circles reputably and praise.

它们像一曲曲无标题的音乐,以音律节奏使人陶醉,虽然不一定说出它是什么,而艺术韵味却是无穷的。One after another they like non-title music to the rhythm of music is intoxicating , though not necessarily say what it is, and art is boundless charm.

在惨烈的天灾面前,中华民族的脊梁并没有被压倒,它扬起了高高的头颅,谱写出一曲曲可歌可泣的感人故事。In front of the frigid disaster, Chinese nation's back has not been crushed, it has raised the high head, composes a tune tune inspiring touching story.

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这一曲曲生命悲歌,为当代马克思实践生存论探究人的生存命义及其生命律动,营造了浓郁的文化氛围,提供了丰富的诠释资。The sad songs of life create a rich cultural atmosphere and provides many materials for contemporary Marxist practice existence theory to explore on the hu.

在她的弹奏下,这种有着2000年历史的乐器发出的一曲曲乐音音色和韵味都令人惊叹不已,正如一首唐诗所说,像“大珠小珠落玉盘”一般。She produces an astonishing range of colours and moods from a 2,000-year-old instrument which produces a sound, observed a poet from the Tang dynasty, like "pearls falling into a jade plate".

乐曲描绘新疆天山的美丽及人们迎接春天来临的喜悦心情,全曲曲调优美,并以热烈的快板结束全曲。The music describes the beauty of Heaven Mountain of XinJiang, and the joyful mood of the people who welcome spring. The entire melody is beautiful and graceful and is ended with a hot allegro.