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这个数字上的差异是不容置疑的。The arithmetic is undeniable.

我的意思是,那是不容置疑的。I mean, that’s just not disputable.

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证据确凿,不容置疑。The evidence cannot admit of doubt.

有关他所说的话是不容置疑的。There is no doubt about what he has said.

这是一个不容置疑的事实。This is a fact that cannot be controverted.

他的判决是至高无上的、他的权力是不容置疑的。His judgment was sovereign, his power unassailable.

对此,此前的研究结果似乎已经给出不容置疑的定论。Previous research seemed to have settled any doubts.

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对于雅丁和他的同代人来说,圣经是不容置疑的。For Yadin and his contemporaries, the Bible was unassailable.

我老婆的意见不容置疑,人们都听她的。My wife has such an imperative voice that everyone coveys her.

世贸对香港的重要性不容置疑。Nor can I over-emphasise the importance of the WTO to Hong Kong.

该案罪证凿凿,结果不容置疑。On such damning evidence the outcome of the case is beyond doubt.

我可以告诉你这孩子的灵魂是完整无缺的,是不容置疑的。L'm here to tell you this boy's soul is intact. lt's non-negotiable.

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她的漂亮不容置疑,难怪会有那么多的男孩子爱她。She was undeniably beautiful, no wonder that so many boys loves her.

这是一个不容置疑的问题,尽管他比我年纪大。There was one insurmountable problem, however. He was bigger than me.

但是,在绝对主义的国家里,谁是统治者谁是帮手,这是不容置疑的But in absolute states, there's no doubt who rules and who helps rule.

如此不容置疑的、无条件的、天衣无缝的爱一生只会出现一次。Such an unassailable, unconditional and seamless love happens only once.

许多行星上不容置疑地存在着高级的生命形式。Many of the planets are no doubt inhabited by some form of advanced life.

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给你们可信的参数来,证明为何这不容置疑。And I will give you convincing arguments why there is no doubt about that.

这是不容置疑的“,宣布大会主席的02年,可租可买计划。It is beyond doubt", declared the President of the Assembly of 1902, Bro."

最初,许多决策者把生物燃料拥护为不容置疑的有益燃料。Initially, many policymakers championed biofuels as indubitably beneficial.