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帝凡尼壁灯。Tiffany Wall Lamp.

全铝材壁灯!All-aluminum wall lamp!

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坐在家里壁灯的照射下你觉得暖和吗?Do you feel warm under ceiling lamp at home?

在此壁灯内有很多独特的和大胆的设计。In this wall lamp has many unique and bold design.

在灯光的使用上,吊灯和壁灯则完全可以剔除。Use in lighting, chandelier and wall lamp is fully removed.

查找欣克利照明灯壁灯和墙面处理和保存。Find Hinkley Lighting wall and the wall treatment and preservation.

水晶壁灯、火烛、鲜花等精巧的物件使得优雅无所不在。Crystal chandelier, candles, fresh flowers and cadges are all available.

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后灯,壁灯,挂灯,园林灯,吊灯。After "lamps, " wall lamps, hanging lamps, garden lamps, and chandeliers.

本厂主要专业生产户外壁灯,户外照明。Our main specializing in the production of outdoor wall lamp , outdoor lighting.

象镀金把手、壁灯架、蓝色的花瓶和茶具等。The vase that resembles aureate handle, wall lamp wearing, blue and tea service.

是一家生产壁灯、吊灯等照明系列的实业公司。Production is a wall lamp, chandeliers and other lighting series of Industrial Company.

用摇臂式的落地灯,或在床头板上安装一个摇臂式壁灯。Use a swing-arm floor lamp instead, or mount a swing-arm wall lamp above the headboard.

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独特的方柱加上柱子上的壁灯,增强了客厅的又一亮点。Unique square column plus on the pillar wall lamp, enhance the sitting room and a window.

此壁灯用铸造塑料叶片装在墙上,由一个供电主干经由多个分支形成,可接不同数量的叶片。An atmospheric wall lamp using casted plastic leafs mounted to the wall in a branch shape.

LED壁灯系列被设计用支架安装在开花,墙壁或者其它皮表面。LED wall lamp series are designed with stents installed in blossom, wall or other skin surface.

壁灯和落地灯对于装饰房间均很理想,给人新奇富丽之感。Wall lamp and floor lamp to decorating a room all very ideal, give a person novel richly feeling.

落地灯、壁灯主要用于卧室的局部照明,光线比较柔和。Floor lamp, wall lamp basically is used at the local lighting of the bedroom, the light is downier.

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在这里,大沙发为中心,画垂直于它的正下方,两旁是精美的壁灯。Here, a loveseat is centered beneath a vertical painting, which is in turn flanked by elaborate sconces.

我们只要生产各种台灯、吊灯、壁灯、落地灯与吸顶灯。We are mainly deal with all kind of table lamp , pendent lamp , wall lamp , floor lamp and ceiling lamp.

在花芯、眼睛等处装上电灯,又成了艺术壁灯。Electrical lights are arranged on the parts of flower centers, eyes, etc. Thus, an art wall lamp is formed.