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他们轻捷地跳过了小溪。They leaped lightly oer the stream.

他们轻捷地跳过了小溪。They leaped lightly over the stream.

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她轻捷地一纵身向门口跳去。She sprang to the door with alacrity.

象轻捷的翅膀在飞翔。It flutters like soft wings in flight.

上海轻捷72V有那几款?Shanghai nimble 72V have that several?

犹他是最年轻的,在未来29在轻捷。Utah is the youngest, coming in at a spry 29.

小船轻捷地在水面向前滑行着。The boat glided swiftly onward over the river.

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一声令下,消防队员们快速轻捷地爬上了绳子。At a signal, the fire men swarmed up the ropes.

她走起路来轻捷柔媚,好象是在城里教养大的。She walked as delicately as if she had been bred in town.

它们行动轻捷,几乎无法把它们击中。They were so nimble it was almost impossible to hit them.

他具有机敏,轻捷,矜持的态度。He had an incisive, quickmotioned, self-sufficient manner.

我是那轻捷地转着圈儿飞舞的鸟儿。I am the swift uplifting rush Of quiet birds in circled flight.

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好的吊装滑轨应使用平稳、轻捷、安全、噪音小,具有较好的装饰性。Use good lifting slide smooth, nimble, safety, noise, and has good decorative.

凭他那种年龄的轻捷劲儿,一眨眼,他便到了那墙上的小孔旁边。In a twinkling , and with the agility of his age, he had reached the hole in the partition.

但是不久这种“巴克跳板”就让位于那些用更结实、更轻捷的铝合金制造的新型设计。The ' Buckboard' soon gave way to designs that used even stronger and lighter aluminium alloys.

那是一个爱吵闹、脸色发青、轻捷、机警、贫嘴、神气灵活而又有病态的孩子。He was a boisterous, pallid, nimble, wide-awake, jeering , lad, with a vivacious but sickly air.

而且它们美妙的歌喉与轻捷的身姿更为我们的生活增添了无穷的乐趣。Moreover, their beautiful singing voices and nimble natural abilities add infinite joy to our lives.

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我轻捷地跃上马,将靴子踩入马镫中,双手紧紧握住缰绳。I mounted up with ease, slipping my boots into my stirrups, and gripping the reins tightly with both hands.

一跃而起,轻轻悄悄的落在妻子背后鞍上,他虽身受重伤,身法仍是轻捷利落。He springs up, falling on the his wife's horse. Though he is injured severely, his action is still light and flexsible.

我轻轻地挥手,它们就迫不及待地飞出来,轻捷的足在火焰上起舞,渴望着杀戮和自身的毁灭。I wave my hand gently, then it flies out impatiently, dancing on fire with its light foot and longing for killing and self-destruction.