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不舍橄榄石和辉石。No pyroxene or olivine has been found.

最晚晶出的是基质中的辉石。The pyroxene in matrix is crystaled last.

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辉石与闪石也含有钙。Pyroxenes and amphiboles also contain calcium.

矿石主要由透辉石、方解石和石英等组成。They are mainly composed of diopside, calcite and quartz.

朝山金矿床与白芒山辉石闪长岩有直接的成因联系。Chaoshan gold deposit is directly related to augite diorite.

某些矿床中发育的纯透辉石层与成矿不具必然联系。The diopside is not of certain relation to the metallization.

脉石矿物主要为方解石、石英、透辉石、石榴子石等。Vein minerals are mainly in quartz, Calcite, diopside and garnet etc.

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一种透明的绿色锂辉石,用作宝石。a green transparent form of the mineral spodumene used as a gemstone.

工业有用矿物主要为钽铌铁矿、锂辉石、绿柱石等。Nb-Ta-Fe ore, spodumene and aquamarine are useful industrial minerals.

堆积的斜方辉石几乎自下而上地分布在整个剖面中。Cumulate orthopyroxene occurs almost from top to bottom of the section.

透辉石矿是高频瓷的一种实用原料。Diopside rock is a functional raw material for high frequence porcelain.

陶村铁矿床为与辉石闪长玢岩密切相关的岩浆热液型矿床。The Taocun iron deposit is a diorite porphyry related hydrothermal deposit.

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透辉石为枝晶,斜长石为球粒晶。The morphology of diopside is dendritic and the plagioclase is spherulitic.

翡翠由辉石族、角闪石族、长石族矿物组成。Jadeite jade consists of minerals of pyroxene, amphibole and feldspar groups.

利用锂辉石在卫生瓷釉中的应用及其优点。This paper induct the major benefits of using spodumene in sanitaryware glaze.

柯石英、金刚石均呈微晶状包裹于石榴子石、绿辉石中。The coesite and diamond are included in the garnet and omphacite as a microlic.

锂辉石是富含锂的矿物,锂在各种金属中最为闪亮耀眼。Spodumene is the principle source of lithium, which is the lightest of all metals.

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天水后裕沟透辉石矿床是很好的节能矿物原料基地。And the diopside deposit of Tianshui is a good resource place for saving on energy.

论述了锂辉石对卫生瓷釉料性能的影响。Discussed the influence on performance of sanitary ceramics glaze caused by spodumene.

星芒透辉石主产于印度,通常为黑色或黑绿色。Star Diopside is mainly mined in India and is generally a black or blackish green color.