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同时也在拖延时间。It also buys time.

不要拖延时间。Do not procrastinate.

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停止拖延。Stop procrastinating.

不要找任何借口拖延。Don’t brook any delays.

她拖延得太久了。She has deferred too long.

拖延你的目标。Procrastinate on your goals.

她拖延了归期。She procrastinated her return.

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别人也在拖延,我为什么不行?Others are delayed, why not me?

你不能拖延这些决策。You cannot put off this decision.

他下决心不再拖延。He is determined to delay no more.

我总是拖延返税。I procrastinate doing my tax return.

而这也是为什么你不能再拖延了。This is why you can't procrastinate.

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此事要求你毫不拖延地予以关注!The gate-keeper demanded my business.

我已经一直拖延着这群类人猿一整天了。I been holdin' off these apes all day.

尽量拖延谈判的时间!Spin out the talks as long as possible.

除去你拖延的缺陷。Eliminate your procrastination pit-stops.

要立即行动,不要拖延。To immediately take action without delay.

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你喜欢拖延还是喜欢说到做到?Do you procrastinate or are you ambitious?

他的劝告使我决定不再拖延。His advice determined me to delay no more.

是的,只要达西不再拖延。Yes -- if Darcy does not put it off again.