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从不停歇。They never stop.

鸟停歇在栖木上。The bird took its perch.

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部队在树林里停歇。The troops rested in the woods.

疲惫的心灵也需要片刻的停歇Effete heart needs a moment rest

鸟儿的合唱已经停歇。The bird-chorus has run out of breath.

他们的心智进入了一种流畅状态,一刻不停歇地忘我工作。They get into a state of flow and just keep going.

进入魔井的人可以不停歇施放魔法而不会感到疲惫。He can fire off spells all day and never get tired.

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蝉啼叫还没有停歇,鸿雁欲过,此时的怀抱是悲伤的。When Jiang did not break, Faye to embrace, at this time.

你必然很累了,其实性的技巧。为什么不停歇一会呢?You must turn out to be tired. Why don't you take a rest?

我的爱全都给了杀戮,所以我要杀,杀,永不停歇。All I loved was killing, so I would kill and kill, forever.

必须有一段完全的停歇,好把“圆满”编进音乐。There must come a full pause to weave perfection into music.

5号到31号金星在双子宫时你会难以停歇,本月将是你改造你外形的最佳月份。Venus in Gemini from July 5 to 31 will prove you unstoppable.

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我经常感到自己投入了一场为争取人身自由而永不停歇的战斗中。I often feel I'm engaged in a never-ending battle for autonomy.

任你梨涡浅笑,波光婉转,我也不会再停歇片刻。You can duck, shimmering tactfully, that I will not stop for a moment.

在回家的路上,我们在一个景色截然不同的池塘边停歇。On the way home, we stopped for a dip in a pond that was far different.

他就像是一团狂野的永远不会停歇的火焰,而你,就像一只不顾一切扑向他的飞蛾。He was the fire restless and wild and you were like a moth to that flame.

皮卡德1999年乘坐热气球,创下了不停歇环球飞行的历史。Picard hot-air balloon rides in 1999, a record of non-stop flight in history.

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齐齐哈尔市铁峰区长沟村是白头鹤南北迁徙的停歇地。Changgou Village in Qiqihaar City, China is the stopover site of Hooded Crane.

即日是您停歇的日子让我们来照望您。母亲节夷愉。Today is your day to relax and let us take care of you. Hrequesty Mother's Day.

一块救命糖-跟巧克力一样早早就落了旺旺的小肚子了,圆圈代表我对你的爱永远也不会停歇。A piece of Lifesavers candy-a circle to show that my love for you will never end.