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谁拥有它,或谁为它的开发出资?Who owns it, or sponsors its development?

独立调查委员会由该基金会独家出资创建。The foundation is the sole funder of the committee.

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我们尊重我们的出资方,他们都是非常聪明的人。We respect our stakeholders. They're very smart people.

1925年逝世的利贝出资成立了托雷多艺术博物馆。Libbey, who died in 1925, endowed the Toledo Museum of Art.

第五章,人力资本出资制度的立法思考。Propose the cerebration of legislation about human capital.

那些有钱人出资在这个小村里修一所学校。These rich people offered to build a school in the village.

政府出资干预,以使得该企业不至于破产倒闭。Government bailout had saved the business from going bankrupt.

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STEP-BD是有国家精神健康协会出资承办的。STEP-BD was funded by the National Institute of Mental Health.

我们不知道谁在这些广告后面支持它们,或者谁为这些广告出资。We don’t know who’s behind these ads or who’s paying for them.

上个月公司出资置备啦一套红双喜地乒乓球台,还有球拍。Last month my company bought a Hongshuangxi table as well as bats.

上海汽车在2001年投资入股柳州五菱,通用汽车紧跟着在2002年也出资入股。SAIC invested in Wuling in 2001, and GM did so the following year.

他们不想让你们知道哪个利益团体为这些广告出资。They don’t want you to know which interests are paying for the ads.

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我们决定出资购买一些视频会议设备。We have decided to invest in some new video-conferencing equipment.

大学毕业后,他的父亲出资帮他经营家具业。_。After he left college, his father set him up in the furniture trade.

自然保护和当地的EPB出资帮助他们组织了。The Nature Conservancy and county EPB funded and helped organize it.

新水坝是政府出资建造的一个大工程项目。The new dam is a major construction project, funded by the government.

如果赚不到钱,我无法为新项目出资,无法签下新人。When there's no profit I can't fund new projects and sign new artists.

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给那些创建FOSS的程序员捐点钱或出资购买这些共享软件。Donate money to a small programmer who has created FOSS, or buy shareware.

出资筑坝的国际财团说这是唯一适合建造储水库的地点。The dam consortium says this is the only viable location for their reservoir.

更有为数不少的发起人在出资后又以各种形式抽逃出资、转移财产。Some sponsors even use various illegal means to draw back or transfer capital.