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市场存货过剩。The market is overstocked.

他精力过剩。He had an excess of energy.

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但数量过剩是一种危机。But overpopulation is a crisis.

这只胆战心惊的熊精力过剩!This funky bear has soul to spare!

所有这些导致如今的过剩。All this caused the current excess.

慢跑消耗我过剩的精力。Jogging works off my excess energy.

人口过剩,但人人都有份工作。Over population, everyone has a job.

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这种过剩密度的波就是声波。This wave of excess density is sound.

人口过剩是个普遍的问题。Overpopulation is a universal problem.

产品滞销商品过剩意味什么?The unmarketable products surplus mean?

跑步是他发泄过剩精力的好方法。Running is a good outlet for his energy.

但是,如果美国超支了,那么亚洲就储蓄过剩了。But if America overspent, Asia oversaved.

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过剩的石油是回到了油底壳的再利用。Excess oil is returned to a sump for re-use.

患者通过噩梦来发泄过剩的精力。Troubled dreams erupt with excessive energy.

这只胆战心惊的熊精力过剩!Disco Bear This funky bear has soul to spare!

有多少人认为是营养过剩和肥胖How many would say over nutrition and obesity?

过剩的财产只能购去过剩的工具。Superfluous wealth can and superfluities only.

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过剩的财产只能购去过剩的工具。Superfluous wealth can but superfluities only.

制糖业存在劳动力过剩。The labour force in sugar industry is surplus.

他缺乏理性,情感过剩,反应强烈?Is he irrationally, overemotional, and reactive?