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故以亚氏的中产阶级理论来引经据典,未必适合对当代中产阶级的价值判断。Thus it is not proper for applying his "middle-class" theory to the value judgment of current middle class.

许多经济学家引经据典,其要点就是预期财政刺激一揽子计划是美国走出衰退的关键。Many economists cited a major expected fiscal-stimulus package as the key to pulling the U. S. out of recession.

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好的英文演讲语言简洁,用词常见,间或穿插幽默引经据典。A good English speech is delivered in simple and common words or phrases with the company of humor or famous remark.

马格丽特·白伦顿夫人听了这一段引经据典的言论,不禁大吃一惊,同时也气愤得无以复加。Lady Margaret Bellenden heard this exposition of Scripture with the greatest possible indignation, as well as surprise.

即使在那个时候,他也算得上一个有影响力的演讲者,他引经据典,为我们的事业塑造强有力的论点。Even back then, he was a powerful speaker, drawing on his deep knowledge of the scriptures to fashion powerful arguments for our cause.

在更多的方面,争论遍及各种公共政策——从战争到非法移民——人们越来越多地从圣经中引经据典。More broadly, arguments over public policies – from war to illegal immigration – are increasingly being infused with scriptural justifications.

主题的选择朝向趣味性,无挑臖意味,引经据典、原创性、激励性等等方面,最受欢迎。A chosen topic should be interesting, but it need not be provocative, or particularly original, though inventive and stimulating topics are welcome.

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你可以引经据典去支持正方或者反方的观点,但话说回来,我还总是会站在支持艺术自由的一方。You can cite studies to support either the yes-they-do or no-they-don't arguments, but again, I will always come down on the side of artistic freedom.

在教学方法上,“服从权威”、“引经据典”成为形而上学知识观支配下的教育的特色。On the teaching method, "obeying the authority" and "quoting from classics works" become the special features of education on the metaphysics outlook in knowledge.

党外人士把共同纲领背得烂熟,在讨论工作和政策时,能够引经据典,充分。Non-Party people have become thoroughly familiar with the Common Programme, so they can quote copiously from it and present valid arguments when discussing work and policies.

有很多证据可以证明社会化学习、参与,以及与他人分享是更有益的学习方法,而不只是单纯的引经据典或是获得原始的知识。There’s a lot of evidence that social learning, engaging, and sharing with others is a far more effective way of learning than simply chasing citations or raw knowledge acquisition.

就在这节骨眼上,***者还是引经据典,从垃圾扯到毒素,从烟头掉入下水道谝到吸烟危害鸟类,呼吁进一步的“禁锢主义”。Even then campaigners called for further illiberalism, citing everything from litter to toxins from cigarette butts leaching into groundwater and the harm smoking allegedly does to birds.

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与马云的引经据典、出口成章相比,史玉柱讲话直接许多,他甚至告诉记者,“我不知道中小企业怎么过冬,我跟他们很遥远。”Ma and the Yinjingjudian, Chukouchengzhang, Shi Yuzhu directly address many, he told reporters, "I do not know how small and medium enterprises for the winter, I told them very far away."

就在这节骨眼上,抗议者还是引经据典,从垃圾扯到毒素,从烟头掉入下水道谝到吸烟危害鸟类,呼吁进一步的“禁锢主义”。Even then campaigners called for further illiberalism , citing everything from litter to toxins from cigarette butts leaching into groundwater and the harm smoking allegedly does to birds.

从作品的表述方式来看,赋中由一方批评另一方发展为双方展开论难,论辩的双方为争论一个问题各自引经据典。For the form of expression, the prose Fu started by one party criticizing the other party, and continued with the two parties disputing over one issue by respectively quoting the classics.

体现了弥尔顿精湛的写作技术,他总能引经据典,参考之前从那些古代作家,那里学到的东西。They're of an incredibly impressive technical proficiency and they are absolutely soaked with the references to the classical writers that Milton had been ingesting from his earliest youth.