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以岁月为弦,赠你惊世情歌。In years for strings, give you stunning songs.

乔治的洞察世情令她叹服。George dazzled her with his knowledge of the world.

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世情薄,人情恶,雨送黄昏花易落。The thin, human evil, rain sent flowers to drop at dusk.

心情开朗世情好,点点颜色都是花。A cheerful mood unties all knots, and you will see blossoms in small dots.

我和你一样,只是个坐在巴士上尝试着了解世情的懒虫吧。I’m just a slob on the bus trying to make some sense of the world, just like you.

世情化、世俗化处理幻境情节,达到幻而不幻,从而为神怪题材世情化的创作开创了新路。A new path was thus opened up for the realization of gods and spirits in novel writing.

松龄担心不懂世情的大灯会招惹麻烦,遂把他带回蒲家休息。Loose age dont understand the big worry about world will provoke trouble, then put him back to pu home rest.

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在宋代传奇走向式微的时候,宋传奇中描写女性、描写世情的作品也反映出了新的时代特色。When Song dynasty declined gradually, the work of female and social affaires reflect the features in the new era.

人们用颜色表达思想感情,反映世情百态,赋予颜色以各种意义。Color is endowed with different meanings to express peoples thoughts and feelings and to reflect the ways of the world.

当前和今后一个时期,世情、国情继续发生深刻变化,我国经济社会发展呈现新的阶段性特征。Current and next time, ecstasy, continue to changes in China's economic and social development, and presents a new phases.

在古代长篇小说的发展历程中,世情小说的出现有着重大的意义。In the development of ancient full-length novels, the emergence of novels about human relationship has crucial significance.

时代盛衰、民风世情影响文人的创作心态,形成作品特有的意象。Prosperity and decline of times and the folkway will influence writers' creation mood and form the specific sense image of works.

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但世情、国情、党情的发展变化,对在构建社会主义和谐社会下加强党的纪检监察工作提出了严峻挑战与考验。But the changing development of the situation of the world, the country and the Party has proposed a big challenge to this assignment.

禅,是训练心的方法,旨在提升专注力和觉察力,让我们领悟世情的真谛。Zen, the practice of mind, strengthens our concentration and consciousness, and therefore enables us to realize the truth of all phenomena.

这种转型因其受到国情、民情、社情、世情的制约,会很艰难。The transition is difficult with constrains of the situation of the country, the public opinion, the situation of the society, the situation of the world.

后世诗文主要在庄子道家基础上将之转化为诗文的意象,表达主体在纷纭世情中的心灵需求。Later generations borrowed the definition of "San-fa' on the basis of Taoism and reflected the subjective spiritual needs in earthly world through the image of "being San-fa".

新现代性下的中国,不能拘泥于以往的发展模式,需要采取一种符合世情、国情的新的发展对策。China under the new modernity, can not rigidly adhere to the previous model of development, need to adopt a consistent world situation, conditions of the new development strategy.

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世情、国情、党情的发展变化,决定了以改革创新精神加强党的建设既十分重要又十分紧迫。Developments and changes in the global, national and intra-Party conditions make it both vital and urgent for us to strengthen Party building in a spirit of reform and innovation.

中国古代小说不仅在长篇历史演义、世情小说中存在着大量谋略描写,而且在文言短篇小说中也有着精彩纷呈的谋略描写。Vivid descriptions on strategy can be found in various Chinese ancient fiction, such as historical romance, popular novels, and short stories written in classical Chinese as well.

兰陵笑笑生发现了家庭、家族,并以之为题材,创作了异于传统的第一部多声部宏大叙事的世情小说。Mr. Xiaoxiao of Lanling explored the theme of family and clan and created the first multi-parts and macro narrative secular full length novel, which is divergent from the tradition.