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前路可能有点坎坷不平。Things might get a little bumpy.

他们在坎坷不平的乡村小路上走着。They walk on the rugged country road.

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他的生活坎坷不平,充满危机。His life lurches from one crisis to another.

道路坎坷不平,到处是坑坑洼洼的雨水。The road was deeply rutted and pooled with rain.

韩德胜的CEO之路从一开始就是坎坷不平的。Henderson's tenure as CEO was tumultuous from the start.

⊙、溪流的秀美是因为它脚下的路坎坷不平。Streams of beautiful because it is at the foot of the rocky road.

在这几年里,有的是辛酸,有的是坎坷不平。In these years, have a plenty of bitterness, have a plenty of rough.

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溪流的秀美是因为它脚下的路坎坷不平。The stream is beautiful because it is at the foot of the road is bumpy.

它或许坎坷不平、风雨满程、困难重重,却永远是两个人共同的路。There is only one way for both, only the bumpy, dusty, difficult, but always mutual path.

如果征途漫漫,坎坷不平,是爱情为我们导航,像指路的明星。If the road ahead is not so easy , our love will lead the way of us , like a guiding star.

在坎坷不平的道路上,中国必将继续前进的脚步。Though the way ahead is beset with difficulties, the country must continue her forward advance.

作为一个女人,她自己就经历了坎坷不平的人生,所以她很能理解友谊的价值。As a woman who weathered a bumpy personal history, herself, she understood the value of friendship.

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选择好登山路径,坡度不要太陡,陡峭、坎坷不平的路面容易造成扭伤。Select a good path without too steep slope, as it is easy to get sprained on the steep and rough surface.

昨天,低矮的茅房,狭窄的街道,坎坷不平、泥泞不堪的乡村小路,已经找不到了它的踪影。Yesterday, the low latrine, narrow streets, rough uneven, muddy village paths, could not find a trace of it.

人生之路坎坷不平,你可能同样会跌倒,所以对别人指手画脚也是在评判自己。The road of life is rocky and you may stumble too, So while you point your fingers someone else is judging you.

即便一些国家的出线之路坎坷不平、费尽周折,但大多数足球强国仍成功进军2010年世界杯决赛阶段比赛。Most of the leading countries have made their way to the 2010 World Cup finals, even if some took a devious route.

否则,即便这次美国能够避免债务违约,前方的改革之路仍将坎坷不平。Until then, the road to true reform remains rocky even if the United States manages to avoid default this time around.

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纪辛庄是青县有名的贫困村,原来的土道路坎坷不平,雨天车辆无法行走也是导致该村贫困的原因之一。Ji Xin Village is a poor village in Qing County. Their earth road was rough and bumpy and on rainy days almost impassable.

而且每一个挑战极具压力和风险,我们所走的路坎坷不平,困难是世人所不能想象的。And a challenge for every great pressure and risk, we are taking the road rough, it is difficult to imagine the world can not.

英国央行英格兰银行行长星期三说,英国经济的复苏之路将坎坷不平,他并调低了英国经济增长的预期。The head of the Bank of England says economic recovery will be choppy, and lowered the forecast for Britain's economic growth.