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他们的热情减退了。Their enthusiasm slacked off.

他们的热情开始减退。Their enthusiasm slacked off.

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我祖父的视力在减退。My grandfather's eyesight is going.

一种能力如不加以使用将会减退。An ability may atrophy if it is not used.

甲状腺功能减退是可以通过药物治疗好的。Hypothyroidism is treatable with medication.

自觉注意力不集中,记忆减退。Perceived lack of concentration, memory loss.

当压力减退,血管可以再度收缩。When stress fades, the vessels can narrow again.

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结论OSAHS可引起记忆功能减退。Conclusion OSAHS can result in memory hypofunction.

主,我莫苟且偷生,如若对你爱减退。Lord, let me never, never, outlive my love for thee.

黄斑区脉络膜皱褶提示张力减退。Choroidal folds in the macular area suggest hypotony.

"全球经济衰退的势头正在减退,"他表示.""The force of the global recession is receding," he said.

年龄使他的体力和精力逐渐减退。Age brought a gradual diminution of his strength and energy.

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高血压伴随着认知轻度减退。Hypertension is associated with mild decrements in cognition.

如果患甲状腺功能减退症的妇女想要怀孕怎么办?What about women with hypothyroidism who want to get pregnant?

亦舒缓晒伤或烧伤之皮肤,减轻痛楚,减退及消除红肿。It helps to relieve sunburn, pain and also to eliminate swelling.

鼻炎会危害大脑吗?是否会记忆力减退?。Can rhinitis endanger cerebrum ? Whether to meet does memory drop?

即使在1972年,公爵过世以后,这份冷漠仍旧没有减退。Even after the Duke died in 1972, the frostiness went on unabated.

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官僚主义在经过几年的减退之后,会重新复燃。Bureaucracy, after many years of decline, will be on the rise again.

慢性肾上腺皮质功能减退症70例临床分析。Clinical analysis of 70 cases with chronic adrenocortical hypofunction.

最终发现这些改变的原因是甲状腺功能减退。The cause of these changes was subsequently found to be hypothyroidism.