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他是三角恐龙。He is a Triceratops.

这是栋有三角墙的房子。This is a gabled house.

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绑在上小狭长三角旗。A small pennon borne on a lance.

画一个小三角型做为鼻子。Draw a small triangle for the nose.

你妈妈有一台小型三角钢琴。Your mother has a baby grand piano.

在一个强大的贝森多夫三角钢琴。On a mighty Bösendorfer grand piano.

她也梦想有一天可以尝试三角翼滑翔。She also dreams of trying hang-gliding.

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三角恐龙得名于“三角蜥蜴”。Triceratops means"three-horned lizard."

来拿帝国大厦三角旗!Get your empire state building pennants!

三角恐龙是食草动物。Triceratops was a plant-eating dinosaur.

三角恐龙比大象还重。Triceratops weighed more than elephants.

一只三角恐龙有三个角和一个鸟嘴。A triceratops had three horns and a beak.

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这里再来谈谈那著名的“夏季大三角”。Here is the famous Summer Triangle again.

我们订一个三角贸易协议好吗?Shall we sign a triangle trade agreement?

它的形状是三角金字塔形。The shape is actually trigonal pyramidal.

非欧几何中的三角棋盘!Triangle Chess Under Non-Euclidean Space.

眼型过圆、呈三角、眼距过大或过小。Eyelids round, triangular, loose or small.

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三角形或给出一个三角型。Of, relating to, or shaped like a triangle.

三角队旗上有一只鹰的标志。The team pennant has an eagle emblem on it.

无论怎样,我开始用我的三角锉凹槽。Anyway , I start my cut with a triangle file.