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上帝谕旨就是这样。A. God has so decreed it.

他们密谋反对皇帝的谕旨。They caballed against the emperor's edict.

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哈曼所下的残酷谕旨迅速传达。The news of Haman's cruel decree was soon spreaded.

在他的概念和对历史的理解里面,法律是绝对的命令、是谕旨、是冷酷的威胁,是判决。For him the concept, the history, the meaning of law made it a diktat, a ukase, a cold threat, a decree.

而且,明代皇帝还通过颁发敕令、谕旨等特别规范,加重对邪教的打击力度。Moreover, the emperors of Ming Dynasty increased the strike against heresy by issuing edicts and decrees.

诸王之王亚达薛西赐谕旨给以斯拉祭司,精通天上神律法的经学家,愿你平安。Artaxerxes, king of kings, unto Ezra the priest, a scribe of the law of the God of heaven, perfect peace, and at such a time.

亚哈随鲁王欣然答允,就像第一次一样,驿卒又要马上传达取消的谕旨。King Xerxes agreed and just as the first edict had been carried by swift couriers, now the rescinding order must go in the same way.

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王就下令照办。于是在稣撒发出了一道谕旨,要把哈曼的十个儿子悬在刑架上。And the king commanded that it should be so done. And forthwith the edict was hung up in Susan, and the ten sons of Aman were hanged.

亚哈随鲁王似乎没有经过详细考虑,便摘下手上的印章指环给哈曼,让他可以随从己意书写和签印谕旨。It would seem that without much thought Xerxes took off his signet ring and gave it to Haman to write and sign anything he wanted to.

而他认为理解这些媒体类型在实际使用时产生的影响要比从字面上听从论文的谕旨更为重要。Subbu believes that understanding the impact of such media type usage in the real world is more important than following the thesis to the letter.

末底改奉亚哈随鲁王的名写谕旨、用王的戒指盖印、交给骑御马圈快马的驿卒传到各处。He wrote in the name of King Ahasuerus, and sealed it with the king's signet ring, and sent letters by couriers on horses, riding on steeds sired by the royal stud.

谕旨作为君主的命令和意思表达,在中国具有最高的效力,它与律法一同在中国的社会和政治运行中发挥着影响。As the emperor's order and will expression, holy decrees had the supreme effect in China. Holy decrees had the influence on social and political operation together with law.

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末底改奉亚哈随鲁王的名写谕旨,用王的戒指盖印,交给骑御马圈快马的驿卒,传到各处。Mordecai wrote in the name of King Xerxes, sealed the dispatches with the king's signet ring, and sent them by mounted couriers , who rode fast horses especially bred for the king.

祭司以斯拉是通达耶和华诫命,和赐以色列之律例的文士。亚达薛西王赐给他们谕旨,上面写着说。Now this is the copy of the letter that the king Artaxerxes gave unto Ezra the priest, the scribe, even a scribe of the words of the commandments of the LORD, and of his statutes to Israel.