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请代向史密斯先生问好。Say hello to Mr. Smith.

请代我向他问好。Please say hello to him.

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请代我向你的家人问好。Say hello to your folks.

请代我问候王先生。Please remember me to Mr.

请代我向你姐姐问好。Say hello to your sister.

请代我向他致意。Please give him my regards.

请代我向大家问好。Please say hello to everyone.

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请代我向乔问好。Please give my regards to Joe.

请代我问候王先生。Please remember me to Mr.Wang.

请代向尊夫人问好。Please say hello to your wife.

请代我寄一下这张卡。Post this card for me, please.

请代问那些因有信心爱我们的人安。Greet our friends in the faith.

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请代我将啤酒斟上。Pease fill out the beer for me.

请代我向金博士问好。Please remember me to Dr. King.

请代我向令妹致意。Please give your sister my love.

请代向王教授问好。Please remember me to Prof. Wang.

请代向你先生问好。Please say hello to your husband.

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请代我向您丈夫问候。Say hello to your husband for me.

请代我向你的家人问候。Kindly remember me to your family.

请代向你全家问候。Please remember me to your family.