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与会者庄重地一致同意。The assembly assented gravely.

我们需要更庄重一些的。Need something a bit statelier.

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她举止庄重大方。She bears herself with dignity.

她举止庄重。She comported herself with dignity.

神父庄重地念了最后的祷文。The priest intoned the final prayer.

杰克对全神贯注看着他的人民庄重地说Jake plays to the rapt crowd as he says

皮尔斯那张有雀斑的大脸庞显得严肃庄重。Pierce's open, freckled face was grave.

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雨锲入庄重的雨靴。Rain implant in the serious rain boots.

他庄重地保证把事情办好。He gave his solemn promise to do better.

每个毕业生都举止庄重。Each graduate behaved with gravity at it.

以截住我们诚正与庄重的旗帜To catch our flag of integrity and decency

他的小步舞跳得庄重而优美。He stepped a minuet gravely and gracefully.

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何必拿庄重去款留一个变了心的人。Why take dignity to retain a changed heart.

因之,人群也显出相应的阴郁和庄重。Accordingly, the crowd was sombre and grave.

即使发我在这个庄重又荒谬的角色中Even when I'm in this solemn and absurd role

胡锦涛青睐白宫会晤的庄重感。Hu preferred the decorum of the White House.

“他比耶酥基督更伟大,”他庄重地说。“Greater’n② Jesus Christ,” he said solemnly.

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他保持庄重威严的仪态。He preserved his grave and dignified bearing.

实际上,大多数都是庄重和忧郁的。Actually, much of it is solemn and melancholy.

他昂着头庄重地步进会场。He sailed into the meeting place with his head up.