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递送货物税款未付。DDU Delivered Duty unpaid.

下批邮件什麽时候递送?When does the next mail leave?

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请填入递送的地址。Please enter the delivery address.

那位邮差递送限时专送函。The postman delivered a special delivery letter.

站员以脚踏车递送路牌予司机员以争取时间。A clerk has just delivered the token by a bicycle.

大量要递送的在草铺上输出品硬纸盒的包裹。Bulk pack in export cartons on pallets for delivery.

邮差每天早晨递送信件和包裹。The mailman delivers letters and parcels every morning.

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因邮局无法递送,缺席或邮寄选票被退回。The return of an ongoing absentee ballot as undeliverable.

我曾经做过外呼来递送报警信息。I'm using this to make outgoing calls to deliver alarm messages.

我每天向帝国总参谋长提出的例行报告按正规的程序递送。My usual daily report to C. I. G. S. follows through normal channels.

浓缩物递送系统采用正位移泵。The concentrate delivery system employs a positive displacement pump.

这些商品通过邮寄或快递服务递送到他们手中。These purchases are delivered to them by mail or by a delivery service.

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联合包裹的递送员对待顾客的良好态度甚至是被公认的。Even the UPS couriers were recognized for their customer-friendly attitude.

孟买的午餐递送生意已有100多年的历史。The tiffin walas of Mumbia have been running their operations for over 100 years.

她说她花了很大力气让食品递送社“新鲜直送”加入工会。she says she spent a lot trying to unionise FreshDirect, a food-delivery service.

无法递送短消息。请确保短消息服务地址输入正确,然后再试。Message undeliverable. Make sure the SMS address was entered correctly and try again.

结论纳米颗粒作为基因递送载体具有广阔的发展前景。Conclusions Using nanoparticles as genic carrier have a wide developmental foreground.

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年,美国私人信使与递送服务的需求非常大。In 1907 there was a great need in America for private messenger and delivery services.

喷气式飞机的次日货物递送使世界变得越来越小。Second-day products delivery of the jet planes makes the world become smaller and smaller.

这些公司制造水壶,这使递送人员每隔几周都要来我们的大厅。They make things like the water jugs a delivery person hauls down our hall every few weeks.