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第一种情况是,我破产了。One, I'm broke.

我知道他破产了。I know he?s broke.

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萧条的经济使他破产了。The depression smashed him.

如果他们破产,我们共担损失。If they go bust, we all lose.

这使我们面临着破产的局面。It's a bankrupting situation.

他因破产而身心交瘁。The bankruptcy curled him up.


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之后的第一个月我就破产了。That first month I went broke.

但意大利尚未破产。But Italy is not yet insolvent.

经营人破产的?。The bankruptcy of the operator.

他买下一家破产的公司。He bought up a bankrupt company.

您是否因破产而未脱离穷籍?。Are you an undischarged bankrupt?

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钻石恒久远,一颗就破产!Diamonds are forever, a bankrupt!

敌人的计谋破产了。The enemy's scheme went bankrupt.

他变卖破产者的财产。He realizes the bankrupt's assets.

许多商号在这场经济恐慌中破产了。Many firms went bung in the panic.

胡乱花费使他破产。Foolish expenditures bankrupted him.

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破产文化是独一无二的。The culture of bankruptcy is unique.

谁在乎他是个倒霉的破产者啊?Who cares if he is a damn bankrupt ?

我每天都在联系破产受托人。I try to reach the trustee every day.