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你将穿进我的石膏吗?Will You Sign My Cast?

周边以石膏线饰边。To plaster line edging around.

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这石膏托需要带多久?。How long will I have to have it?

他们的嘴里叼满了石膏。Their mouths were full of gypsum.

模铸的石膏或雕刻的石头制作的工艺。In moulded plaster or in carven stone?

她并贴出伤处上了石膏的照片。She put a plaster on the wound photos.

互相帮助,以搬运石膏。Helping each other to remove the gypsum.

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骨折打石膏要多久?How long does fracture hit gesso to want?

类石膏,油泥,蜡样雕刻。Class gesso, sludge, wax sample engraving.

半水物硫酸钙可以用来代替石膏。Hemihydrate can be used instead of gypsum.

这是供应雪花石膏的详细页面。This is a supply of alabaster details page.

骨折了,绑着石膏怎么上学啊?Fracture, how binding gesso to go to school?

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粘土,蜡和石膏是可塑物质。Clay, wax, and plaster are plastic substances.

我们用泵将石膏料浆打到一块用堤围起来的空地中。The gypsum slurry is pumped into a diked area.

这电灯泡装在一个雪花石膏似的灯罩里。The electric light bulb is in an alabaster bowl.

这真叫摔破脑袋上石膏啊!This is breaking a head and giving a plaster, truly!

我走了进去,脚腿上绑着肮脏的石膏绷带,穿着发臭的袜子。I come in with my filthy plaster cast, in sweat socks.

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这幅素描是描绘一名老翁的石膏头像。This sketch describes an old man's gypsum head statue.

大脑主要是用来做豆腐石膏或内酯。The brain is mainly used to do tofu plaster or lactone.

我们可以用石膏来替代它,把上臂固定于屈曲位。We can replace this by plaster with the arm in flexion.