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引发这场危机的房地产泡沫已然破灭,短期内不大可能重振旗鼓。The burst real estate bubble that kicked off this crisis is unlikely to reinflate quickly.

在一场收购变故之后,AOL一直在时代华纳的旗下度过了惨淡的10年,现在AOL试图重振旗鼓。AOL is trying to rejigger after a disastrous 10 years under Time Warner in a failed merger.

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大门会在你面前砰然关上,你必须重振旗鼓,弹去身上的灰尘,再敲下一扇门。Doors will slam in your face. You must pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and knock again.

舒新借胡二之名帮韩珊找到一家闲置仓库,希望韩珊重振旗鼓。The new borrow hu Schwartz's name HanShan found a idle for HanShan warehouse, hope to rights.

现在局势虽然已经恢复,但是这个国家新兴的小小旅游业还有待重振旗鼓。Things are now back to normal, but the small and fledgling tourist industry has yet to recover.

这种相似性并没有被重振旗鼓、试图关闭这座核电站的佛蒙特人所忽略。This similarity has not been lost on the Vermonters trying with renewed vigour to shut it down.

请你们和我一起来重申、回顾、革新和重振旗鼓!I invite you to join me on this journey of reaffirmation, remembrance, reform, and revitalization!

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现在湖人队领先马刺和掘金都是8个胜场,而西部其他的球队都在试图重振旗鼓。Now the Lakers lead San Antonio and Denver by eight as the rest of the West tries to pick up the pieces.

美军在华盛顿遭受几场蒙羞之战后,在巴尔的摩重振旗鼓,并在港口击败了英军。After several humiliating defeats in Washington D.C. the city of Baltimore rallied and defended the port.

曾因全球经济放缓而关闭了数十家工厂并削减产量的钢铁企业现在已重振旗鼓。Steelmakers, which idled dozens of mills and cut production as the global economy slowed, are now ramping up.

一旦生活被毁,我可能最终会躲在我的公寓里反省,在我的下一个十年重振旗鼓。If everything fell apart I’d probably end up hiding out in my apartment ruminating on where it all went wrong.

然而黑猫在联赛杯中主场意外被西汉姆淘汰出局,同样需要重振旗鼓。However the Black Cats also need to bounce back after slipping up at home to West Ham, also in the Carling Cup.

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当你失败了的时候------站起来,重振旗鼓,吸取经验教训,调整一下计划,然后再去尝试。When you experience a failure – get up, dust yourself off, access the information gained, revise your course, and begin again.

在发牢骚的过程中,妻子也会逐步意识到,困扰自己的究竟是什么,从而重振旗鼓、找到解决之道。In the process of whining, his wife will gradually realized that, of what is troubling you, thus the minutemen, find the solution.

他所发表的那些振聋发馈、动人心弦的演说使英国重振旗鼓,并阐明了那个时代不屈不挠的岛国精神。The rousing and emotional oratories he delivered rallied the British nation and defined the isles' indomitable spirit for that era.

然而,我们不能将他排除在拳坛之外,他有重振旗鼓的能力和作风,或许还能成为人们心仪的拳手。However, don't count him out. He has the ability and work ethic to bounce back and perhaps become the fighter he was expected to be.

德国的机械设备制造商或许会认为,政府带动的中国经济复苏为它们创造了重振旗鼓的良机。German makers of plant and machinery may feel they have a decent chance of bouncing back, thanks to China's state-sponsored recovery.

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但是,随着日本的经济贸易重振旗鼓,重回轨道,分析家称,对中国货物量可能会急剧上升。However, as Japan's economy and businesses look to rebuild and get back on track, analysts say that demand for Chinese goods will surge.

我希望我们能够发出一个明确的信息,尽管这些历史性的洪灾破坏力很大,但泰国仍将重振旗鼓,日益强盛。And I hope that we can send a strong message that, as devastating as these historic floods have been, Thailand will come back even better.

然而,伴随着阿隆索在匈牙利拿下杆位,法国制造商似乎开始重振旗鼓。However the French-manufacturer appears to be beginning to return to form, with Fernando Alonso recording a strong pole position in Hungary.